"The Suffering"


New member
I wasn't sure if I wanted to post this yet since I'm working out many issues with it, but what the hey. "The Suffering" is an acoustic tune and the namesake of my upcoming album. If you could, don't critique musicianship as I am fixing some stuff which I'm sure you will notice. But do feel free to critique the mix as that's not really changing much and the basic song structure. Thank you kindly.


Oh yeah, I didn't edit out some noise yet. I won't tell you where cuz maybe you won't notice it as much then. :)

Man, the mix sounds pretty good and the playing is too, but that is one depressing toon, Doooooooode!

CR ><>
nice tune and a good mix, but it gets a bit boring because of the guitar wich is allways played on the beat and sometimes like a chromatic scale up and down - sorry that the critics are not about the mix...

Sounds good to me..

Personally I'd want the lead guitar farther back.. some reverb and/or delay perhaps.. that's all..
The guitar is pretty much on beat, yes (and it does totally just run up and down). I kind of wanted it that way. It gives the song cohesion but can make it boring to some people. I've had mixed reactions, some like it some don't. That's alright.

And the lead guitar. I didn't use the right patch for it. I don't know why. I know what I want to use but didn't. There's like, tons of reverb and delay thrown on it already, but the fact that it's got some major high frequencies makes it had to drop deeper into the mix (that's where I want it too). I am rerecording the lead part with the correct patch (I've already eq'd it more than I want to). Thnx for the comments.