The Starving Vegan Rescue Squad

Thanks guys. Geez, am I the only guy who hates that guitar sound? I guess I don't hate it - I just want something different.

Anyway, I have some things to try.

VHS - your link proves there is a video of everything on youtube. :)

I think everything sound good with one exception...The bass guitar is too thick sounding. Too much low mid. It may also be a little too hot in the mix levelwise. I love the song and its a really good song arrangement.
Nice work Triple!
Trip just to clarify my comment on close to the cone - I meant in relation to the edge of the speaker. Micing the edge can take the 'edge' off the sound. Of course pulling the mic back a bit could help you find a pleasing tone too
It's a real cowbell! I am hitting it with a drum stick. I promise! haha.

Yep, it's all just in the overheads. And I like the level. I tell ya somethin. Yuh gonna want that cowbell. I got a fevuah! And the only presecription....

Never thought I could use that in an actual conversation. :)
The guitars are a little loud and the mix overly dry.

Regarding the tone, I hear what you mean. The tone on the opening guitar is good. I'm not crazy about the 2nd guitar's tone, tho. It sounds like it has fuzz on it...maybe the pedal is introducing an EQ hump somewhere? The upper mids sounds brittle and overly "present". The tone itself isn't smooth...kind of jagged sounding. I think of Marshall amps as having that sound, so it seems normal. Maybe get a different amp if you can swing it.

The song was fun.
Dropbox finally let go and allowed me to dl the file. Still gave me fits.
Love the lyrics!
Timing feels just a bit loose (in a good way). Very live feel to the recording. Some canned applause would be a good production technique here.
Okay, mix-wise: really dry, makes it sound kind of garage band. The live feel kind of gets lost without the hall or arena ambiance...
Bass tone could use some grind for this style of music. It's just bottom end smooth. OTOH, it's very clean and well balanced. I'm trying to figure out the band this reminds me'll come to me later.
Drums sound amazing. Congrats IBB. Love your ride. The snare is just a bit quiet. Love the cowbell--don't hear much of that anymore. Could use a bit more width (personal opinion).
Vocals are well done, but need a little something. Maybe Taras' suggestion, or just some verb would help. Love the backups.
Guitar tones: The right (ride cymbal) side is clear, but the left has a fizz to it. (my cans may be on backward, so left right is probably not helping). They sound absolutely fine in the mix, though. Don't see either tone as a problem.

EDIT: Phil Lesh! Grateful Dead. Baby bottom smooth bass line. Personally would go more toward Entwistle on this one. That's where I was going earlier. :)
Thanks Nola and Broken.

I tracked the main guitar again, with a tone that isn't so glassy in the upper midrange. I'll post it up when I get time. I want to also fix the bass/kick conflict and play around with reverb.

I also tried the guitar riff an octave higher, as IBB suggested. But at that pitch, I couldn't get a tone that sounded as good as what I have. I'll probably give that another try in a few days.
