The Right Equipment For Me?


New member
Hello All,

I'm a real noob, so please bare with me :)

I am trying to begin doing some recording of my own music. I play mostly acoustic type guitar with vocals and I have a full drumset and bass guitar as well.

Recently I was at my local music "blow-out" gigantic store and spoke with a very informative guy about the new Tascam SX1-LE unit. I have spent some time recording in a studio before, but was on the other end of the actual recording process and I'm not sure what I need to get going with some mid-to-hight end equipment so that the end result is really good.

Here are my questions:

1) Is the Tascam SX1-LE good and somewhat easy to learn?
2) Do you suggest another similar piece of hardware to accomplish the same goal?

Thank you...i'm am new here but will surely be making it a daily stop from now on that is for sure! Thanks in advance for your help!
Nice to have you aboard....

I checked out the Tascam SX1-LE digital recording unit at Musician's Buy..... they are offering it for $2,999.00 USD. I don't know how much you can buy it for at the shop you have been going to, but you might want to take a look at the Korg D16XD... it goes for $1,999.00 and is supposed to have a fairly simple learning curve. Roland and Yamaha also offer good equipment for less money, too.

I am pretty new to the Home Recording Forum here, too... one thing I have learned here is to take your time checking out all the equipment that is offered for what you want to do... don't be too hasty. There are some who will tell you to start out with equipment that is moderately priced in order to learn more about what you REALLY need... I think that is good advice. I have been shopping a new digital recorder and am still undecided as to whether I want a "stand alone" or a computer interface unit.

Right now, I am using a Boss BR-8 that I purchased several years ago... it has 8 tracks, lots of effects, and for the price is pretty decent.... not great, but decent. In using that unit, I am learning more about what I really need for what I want to accomplish as well as features that I like and dislike.

Well, I probably haven't helped you much, and certainly didn't answer your original question, but I did want to pass along what I think is sound advice from some of the folks here.... learn more about what you want and need before you buy something you find out you don't like or don't need.... and wish you had purchased something else. :)
You may want to think about whether you'd like to go the PC route or standalone digital recorder solution. Personally I chose the latter, for portability and stability (using a Fostex VF160 -- great machine), but you may want to go with a PC based approach, which certainly offers many options for the future.