The Postpartum Group Buy Blues????


New member
So, I wake up this morning, dash to my computer, boot it up, head over to GS.........nothing. Quick!!!! To HR. Quiet as a mouse. Faster than Danica Patrick, I'm over to PSW. Ghost town. No PM's from MH. No announcement emails from Randy or Chance. No nothing. Zip. Nada.

Everywhere I go.......pretty much the same thing. Even a quick search of Youtube reveals nothing.

I check the flight manifestos to the Bahamas, Cuba, Argentina, South Africa and yes, even Kazakhstan. Nothing. :D :D

No news.

No revelations.

No speculation.

No threads to hunt down.

No whacky opinions on color.

No speculating about how to beat Customs out of their due.

No clips.

No new pics.

No mod ideas.

No Tony B. trying to quash Neve rumours.

No crashed servers and last minute scrambling.

No Paypal conspiracies.

No threads asking how much 1 ACM4, 1 ACM2 and a pre will cost to ship to Malaysia.

No ACMP81 A vs. A/B rumours.

No quotas to be met.

No REVELATIONARY news to be released.

No speculation on transformers.

No new scandals.

No cancellations of products who have not met their quota's.

No delivery expectations.

No rumours about what TnC will be up to next.

And perhaps the most disturbing thing ever.......NO MORE CHANGING MY ORDER!!!!! :eek::eek:


It's Saturday. What am I gonna do all day now??? I feel like I just finished my last heat in the Olympics. A year of training....over in 3 minutes. I pressed the "pay" button and suddenly takes a huge turn towards...................the uneventful.

And so, as quietly as it started......the long wait begins.

This is my first GB. I guess I must be experiencing the Postpartum GB Blues..... Anyone want to co-write a song with me??? :D We'll of course only use ACM mics though. :D

T minus 120 days........and counting.


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It's Saturday. What am I gonna do all day now??? I feel like I just finished my last heat in the Olympics. A year of training....over in 3 minutes. I pressed the "pay" button and suddenly takes a huge turn towards...................the uneventful.

I'm waiting on a 500 series rack and then I'm gonna buy a few pres to throw in it. Then in July, I'm going to start recording my new cd. If I can get all my guitar parts and vocals tracked, I'll start bringing in other musicians in August. And if I finally, after two years of my township negotiating with the buyer/builder, go to closing on a piece of property I'm selling, I'm going to upgrade my computer and DAW to an 8-core Mac and an 003.

Make some plans, Doc! The time will pass and soon we'll all have our new toys.:D
Make some plans, Doc! The time will pass and soon we'll all have our new toys.:D 500 10 space is full.....:D All 7 19" racks in my studio are full. :D Time to thin the herd.

In the process of filling them up, my thoughts about the differences in 500 pre's has waned a bit, expecially with 48 great pre's / EQ's in my console, a full 500 rack with 512B, 512C, SH Gama, Biz, 550A's & Eisen LilPeqR's, and 2 each of the ACM73, 84 & 81's on the way. Really, we're kind of getting into the hair splitting realm aren't we? I often wonder - what's the point of all this excess??? My G.A.S. is satiated for now. :D speculation runs rampant until I get my hands on the new TnC stuff!!!

I've been busy - just finished writing, recording & producing 2 CD's of my own, one for another guy, and have 2 more of my own to finish by end of summer, plus one more by end of year. That should keep me busy. :eek: :eek: But it's not as fun as hopping on the boards for a little GB speculation and PM's. :D

But GB news?!?!?!?!?!? :cool: It's all good. Maybe I'll actually make some music today...... I'm working on some new slow blues 12 bar lyrics:

Woke up this mornin' no microphone in my bed.
Said I woke up this mornin' no microphone in my bed.
My baby tol me....son, you be lookin' kinda dead.....

anybody got vs.2??
I check the flight manifestos to the Bahamas, Cuba, Argentina, South Africa and yes, even Kazakhstan. Nothing.

Nah, I'm still here! I just had a prior engagement to attend today and haven't been around the computer for a while... and to my amazment, there were only a handful of GB emails...

and to my amazment, there were only a handful of GB emails...


You need to celebrate. Could have been chaos if people had followed through with all of those remaining orders. And no xml parser errors yesterday either, right?
Congrats on making it through.
But GB news?!?!?!?!?!? :cool: It's all good. Maybe I'll actually make some music today...... I'm working on some new slow blues 12 bar lyrics:

Woke up this mornin' no microphone in my bed.
Said I woke up this mornin' no microphone in my bed.
My baby tol me....son, you be lookin' kinda dead.....

anybody got vs.2??

Well I walked downstairs... Found myself lookin' for more
Oh well i walked downstairs... yeah I'm lookin' for more
Checked out my rack but... I ain't got no 84.

Woke up this mornin' no microphone in my bed.
Said I woke up this mornin' no microphone in my bed.
My baby tol me....son, you be lookin' kinda dead.....

Well I walked downstairs... Found myself lookin' for more
Oh well i walked downstairs... yeah I'm lookin' for more
Checked out my rack but... I ain't got no 84.

NICE! :D Here's vs. 3

So I drove my favorite Guitar Store
Yeah I went that big bad Guitar Store
But when I asked for "TnC"......the manager showed me to the door

NICE! :D Here's vs. 3

So I drove my favorite Guitar Store
Yeah I went that big bad Guitar Store
But when I asked for "TnC"......the manager showed me to the door


Now I'm feelin' down... don't know what to do
I'm so down....don't know what to do
Gave chance all my money... now I just sit and stew.
Haha-- this one caught my eye. I'm almost afraid to a/b the acmp73 i'm getting against the avedis ma5 i got from tony b. :D

Kojdogg, are you loving the M5? I gave a listen to the files from the 500 series shootout over at GS and, IMO, the M5 really stood out. It's definitely on my wishlist now.
Well,, here is some news. It is confirmed that the xfrmrs in the pre amps will NOT be China made
I will be submitting the order tomorrow
Well,, here is some news. It is confirmed that the xfrmrs in the pre amps will NOT be China made
I will be submitting the order tomorrow
Thanks Chance - that's enough to keep me from compulsively ordering a bunch of trannies before anyone's even seen the pres :D -- with my luck, I would have had identical replacements waiting when the pres arrive...