"The Payment (the werewolf song)" (VIDEO)

Sounds cool man. Very interesting blend. I kinda feel like the drums could be a bit more up front when they come in.

The bass frequencies are a bit heavy in general relative to the other frequencies. They sound great though.
Sounds cool man. Very interesting blend. I kinda feel like the drums could be a bit more up front when they come in.

The bass frequencies are a bit heavy in general relative to the other frequencies. They sound great though.

hey bleed, thanks for listening!

for some reason, i just wanted the bass guitar to drive the whole thing,
first time i've mixed it up that hot, kind of an experiment i guess....
drums up,
bass freqs heavy..... i agree with your assessment, thanks!

so i went and did a light re-mastering,
based on your comments,
see if this is any better....


this one smooths everything out a bit.
Sounds cool. I especially like that acoustic part. You posted this last year, didn't you?
And the year before that, and the year before that... :D

(just for completeness: each of the 3 years before that one. Then it looks like a 4 year gap since the original posting in 2007).

That is dedication to getting the song juuust right. Especially if you only work on it once a year! :D
And the year before that, and the year before that... :D

(just for completeness: each of the 3 years before that one. Then it looks like a 4 year gap since the original posting in 2007).

That is dedication to getting the song juuust right. Especially if you only work on it once a year! :D

you nailed it!

---------- Update ----------

of course, it is a werewolf song....

---------- Update ----------

and, it is halloween........

---------- Update ----------

and i guess there's no better time of the year to get into it.....

---------- Update ----------

and, you are probably the only other one on this site that's ever heard it!!

actually, the vid is pretty new....

this song was just made for having a visual go along with it.......
plus, as i said earlier (or did i, can't remember correctly) i've added new tracks, changed things,
it's a work in progress for sure.
Hi Gonzo-X, I'm listening to the new version you posted above ,pretty cool song you have here , it has a unique style that I pretty like, arrangements and effects are subtle and well designed/balanced. the acoustic guitar and lead electric guitar have really sweet tones. I haven't listen to the previous versions but his one is top notch I'd say. The story line of the lyrics is very interesting and give part of the uniqueness of the song. The mix is well balance and arranged you did a great job and well done :)
A 9 year old track is posted in the mixing clinic for the zillionth time for mix suggestions?
Musically this is, was and will remain polished but loses it's "bite" with repeated posting.
Lyrically it has always needed work.
My thoughts go to the 2nd line "drank up all the mead" and just how clunky it sounds/reads.
The convenient but messy "to pass over you the worst" also gets me each time.
Yet they only buildup the suspense for "run into the moor and see the evil eye upon you cast a glance, and the payment, it is nigh."

I tried to rewrite it to give it some internal structure and pull the area, foods etc together.

Night upon the moor (moors are highlands)
Scrumpy in the gut (trad Dartmoor drink)
Mists muddy the air
Gibbous (or Hunter's) moon clear cut

Couldn’t see corruption
Condemned son of a bitch (clearly a bad pun but I tried to keep it)
As jaws tore out his throat
Eviscerated in a twitch

“tis your kin up on the moor
with his innards at his feet.”

Sup on Aconite this night (wolf’s bane is highly toxic)
Queen poison, witch’s curse (Queen of Poisons is an alt name for Aconite)
Farewell all that your believe
As the beast’s bite is worse

“tis your kin up on the moor
with his innards at his feet.”
His debt as yet unpaid
While his reckoning you cheat

Run up to the moor
Stare into the devil's eyes
If the bane doesn’t kill ye
Then you’ll see where evil lies.
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A 9 year old track is posted in the mixing clinic for the zillionth time for mix suggestions?
Musically this is, was and will remain polished but loses it's "bite" with repeated posting.
Lyrically it has always needed work.
My thoughts go to the 2nd line "drank up all the mead" and just how clunky it sounds/reads.
The convenient but messy "to pass over you the worst" also gets me each time.
Yet they only buildup the suspense for "run into the moor and see the evil eye upon you cast a glance, and the payment, it is nigh."

I tried to rewrite it to give it some internal structure and pull the area, foods etc together.

Night upon the moor (moors are highlands)
Scrumpy in the gut (trad Dartmoor drink)
Mists muddy the air
Gibbous (or Hunter's) moon clear cut

Couldn’t see corruption
Condemned son of a bitch (clearly a bad pun but I tried to keep it)
As jaws tore out his throat
Eviscerated in a twitch

“tis your kin up on the moor
with his innards at his feet.”

Sup on Aconite this night (wolf’s bane is highly toxic)
Queen poison, witch’s curse (Queen of Poisons is an alt name for Aconite)
Farewell all that your believe
As the beast’s bite is worse

“tis your kin up on the moor
with his innards at his feet.”
His debt as yet unpaid
While his reckoning you cheat

Run up to the moor
Stare into the devil's eyes
If the bane doesn’t kill ye
Then you’ll see where evil lies.

uh......... nah.
"for the first time listeners only....."

maybe that's what i should put on the title

still an active work in progress, who cares how long it takes.

if you don't like it, then i wouldn't post, i guess, or write your own werewolf song!
heheh, i guess you did!

i don't know, sounds super curmudgeonly to me....
Yeah I know Gonzo X,
I know that you don't change a thing,
I know that you stick religiously to your ideas,
I know that you're not interested in lyrics enough to make them internally consistent etc etc.
That's fine and works, more or less, BUT you posted in the clinic where mixes, playing etc are commented upon, crits made and suggestions offered.
Your lyrics/melody combo give an impression of the scenario - though you had to expand on that with the back story, which is telling.
My rewrite isn't good, it shouldn't replace what you have but it does point out that the story can be wholly within the song and be reasonably coherent as well. It's a combined comment, criticism and suggestion.
It's a bit like the CD cover of Bat's Brew: a good start, interesting ideas but could have been so much better with some though & time but comes off as unfinished.
I really don't know what to make of this. It's like Dream Theater meets Warren Zevon but with a stoned Robert Plant writing the lyrics.

The mix sounds fine balance-wise, but has almost no dynamics (sounds limited).

I laughed for like five minutes at Steve's comment that this has been posted every year since 2007. Why do you keep posting it, Gonzo?
but has almost no dynamics (sounds limited).


no dynamic range?!

ok, i get the impression you do not know what you are talking about.

well, some stats:
this one (werewolf-2016) sits at a dynamic range of 09.
averages about -10.9.
not bad.

some other dynamic range stats for some other 2016 releases:

garbage 'strange little birds' = 04
adele '25' = 04
phish 'live phish' = 04
kanye west 'the life of pablo' = 04
otep 'generation doom' = 04
radiohead 'a moon shaped pool' = 05
deftones 'saturday night wrist' = 05
wolfmother 'victorious' = 05

in fact, i looked and looked for anything from 2016 that had as high of a dynamic range as my little tune,
and i didn't find it until this:
red hot chili peppers 'the getaway' = 09

in fact, they re-released 'temple of the dog' in hd5.1, and it has a dynamic range of 09.
pretty cool, eh?

do you even know what i'm talking about?

I laughed for like five minutes at Steve's comment that this has been posted every year since 2007. Why do you keep posting it, Gonzo?
that's simple.
it's a song i'm not finished with.
i've done new tracks on it, tried new mix techniques, i have a new interface i'm running thru it's paces, it's halloween, and this is a halloween-specific song,
i really don't understand why it's so hard to get this.

it's like you're having an OCD moment, and can't quite let it go.

and i guess, only 5 guys from this site have ever listened to it, and the same guys keep listening to it every year and just can't stand it.

i'm posting it for ANYBODY else to hear it, at this point. somebody that hasn't heard it before,

somebody that actually likes this kind of stuff.
Especially if you only work on it once a year! :D

i guess you're right,
i DO only ever work on it for a few days every year....

maybe i always intended for it to be a continual work,
as halloween is a continual event....

it's funny, tho, every version of this thing i've posted is different,
somehow, with different tracks brought forward, pushed back,
new tracks,
new drums, new guitars, new background vocals, new special fx stuff....

it's been a fun project.
Hi Gonzo-X, I'm listening to the new version you posted above ,pretty cool song you have here , it has a unique style that I pretty like, arrangements and effects are subtle and well designed/balanced. the acoustic guitar and lead electric guitar have really sweet tones. I haven't listen to the previous versions but his one is top notch I'd say. The story line of the lyrics is very interesting and give part of the uniqueness of the song. The mix is well balance and arranged you did a great job and well done :)

hey crycookie!
thanks for listeninig,
it's good you didn't listen to the previous versions!!

i got so much krap about them.....

the acoustic guitars were done with a single mic..

a taylor 414, with a audio technica 4033 about 12" from the neck/body joint

i guess that's the 12th fret, eh?!

there are 5 elec rhythm guitar parts, 3 of those are new. the new ones were recorded with a shure ksm44, the old ones were done with a sm57.

there are 6 solo guitar tracks, 2 primary (main and harmony) and the rest are for 'pads', like the feedback sections, to take the place of what could have been keyboard parts, i guess.....

there are 36 tracks in all.

the original drum track (drum machine) was replaced by tracks i played in real time on a keyboard, triggering Superior Drummer.

there is a bongo track, shaker, and tamborine.

there are 5 vocal tracks, 2 'bell' tracks, a washing machine track (the 'boom boom boom boom' that starts the track....)

there are 3 elec clean guitar tracks, bass track, and the rest is drums.