the only way i can record is with MIC BOOST on..


New member
or else it will stunt my wavelenghts TREMENDOUSLY, to the point i can barely see them, and but faintly hear them..

im using a stocksoundcard for now, i will be upgrading to a legit emu 1820, but until then, i realize i have been using mic boost this entire time.

is there a way i can NOT use this function and still acquire "normal" wavelenght sizes? EXACTLY are you doing and using to do it?

What mics, software, sound card, mic pre are you using?
That's what 'mic boost' is for --- to raise the low level of the signal that comes straight out of any microphone to a level that can be useful to a recorder...

Upmarket microphone preamps are a VERY hot topic on this board - do a search if you'd like more info.