The New Tone Thread

And while I'm at it. My fucking computer decided to update to Windows 10 earlier and its changed my date to 6/16/16. There are not 16 months in the year! Its is the 16/06/16
And while I'm at it. My fucking computer decided to update to Windows 10 earlier and its changed my date to 6/16/16. There are not 16 months in the year! Its is the 16/06/16

You could always switch over to an operating system created by the english. I think they call it an abacus or something like that.
You could always switch over to an operating system created by the english. I think they call it an abacus or something like that.


"Bletchley Park also heralded the birth of the information age with the industrialisation of the codebreaking processes enabled by machines such as the Turing/Welchman Bombe, and the world’s first electronic computer, Colossus."

we still using that .. helluva queue :D

chicks used to dry their underwear on it !
Haha, wasn't the Internet invented over here too... Hang on, come to think of it, didn't we invent America?

Saying that, I'm from Wales. When I'm not fannying about being a geologist I'm robbing goats from neighbouring villages... Although these days it's only a hobby
Haha, wasn't the Internet invented over here too... Hang on, come to think of it, didn't we invent America?

Saying that, I'm from Wales. When I'm not fannying about being a geologist I'm robbing goats from neighbouring villages... Although these days it's only a hobby

If you guys "invented america", you really fucked up. :laughings:
I dipped into it and saw a few bits. I watched the last 1/2 hour. He looked fucking knackered. I think he was prepping for it when I was down there. I forgot to ask him about it though.
I dipped into it and saw a few bits. I watched the last 1/2 hour. He looked fucking knackered. I think he was prepping for it when I was down there. I forgot to ask him about it though.

He must actually sell a lot of guitars or get government assistance or something to have that kind of shop and employees.
Alright guys, been working on a few songs, here's a little clip of one of 'em...There are 4 guitar tracks on this, you should be able to tell when they're all playing...I'm learning the new amp a little more everyday, & trying to get that spot where it's bright enough, without being harsh/brittle, and/or sound like a can of bees...The speakers in the new cab aren't broken in yet, but I'm doing my best to soften 'em up...I gotta say, I like this amp/cab combination a lot...

Signal chain:
SG>interface>re-amp box>EVH LBX>EVH 4x12 Greenback>i5

There is reverb on all the tracks, but that's it...Exact same tonestack settings except I dialed the gain back on the layered/red channel tracks...

Amp settings:
15w mode
Gain:................4 & 8

Main tracks: Blue channel, gain on 8, using both pickups in the SG
Layered tracks: Red channel, gain on 4, using the bridge p'up in the SG

WR 6-6-2016
I know it's all about guitars for most people. I know guys that literally have 20-30 guitars and just two or three amps. My own bandmates have four or five high end Gibsons and Fenders, each. One guy has one amp, the other has two amps. But they have lots of guitars and that's where their focus is. Legendary players have warehouses full of guitars.

It's still mostly about amps for me. Maybe I just don't get it or I'm just not good enough to really appreciate the finer details of a guitar. Obviously I understand the differences between my Hallmark Mosrite and the Les Pauls. I know my Angus SG and the P-90 SG are totally different animals. But the magic is in the amps for me. I get them. My buddies think I'm nuts. I'd rather have a room full of amps and just a few very select guitars.

I totally get this. But for now, I'm definitely like those other guys you know. I've got about 25 guitars (including a couple acoustics and a couple basses) and 8 amps (including 2 bass amps). If I culled it down to what I actually love to play, there'd probably be half of each. But I've "collected" a bunch of odd (as in cheap) stuff over the years.

Yeah, there are still a couple guitars I crave (including a 70's sunburst LP custom!), but I really only play a few guits regularly, while every amp I own is a whole different beast. I find the "voice" of whatever I'm playing to be much more in the amp. (I think maybe that's what you're saying, Greg.)

I don't even own a Marshall! And yet I'd love to. I'd also like a sweet old Fender blackface (Instead of my modern Blues Jr.). And yeah, the 80's guitar player in me would really love a Soldano SLO. And oh yeah, a Mesa Boogie would be nice, too.

My new studio is much smaller, so maybe after I unpack, I will cull the herd and then focus on new amps. When I do, Greg, I'm coming to you for some Marshall advice. That one will be first.
Jeez Louise, listen to this thing.....

Yeah that amp rocks. The guy playing the guitar is really good too. I love that boogie woogie riff, that sounded kind of like "memphis" at about 7.45. The amp was definately talkin' there man!
He must actually sell a lot of guitars or get government assistance or something to have that kind of shop and employees.
He might get a tax break but I doubt it's more than that, it's a small business in rural area utilising highly skilled people. What he might get are staff on government apprenticeship, the government will pay most of their wage and he'll have to make a token contribution and give the staff time out to submit papers on their progress.

I don't think he makes much money purely off custom builds, it's supplemented with all of the set up jobs they do and selling tools. They've obviously invested a fuck tonne of money lately too as they've really expanded their workshop.
Miner, only listened to that through my stereo so far, not on headphones but it sounds awesome. I'll listen to it on my reference cans in a bit.
I like the tone on your clip. It sounds kind of vintage. reminds me of "needle and the spoon" by Lynyrd Skynyrd. Cool tones.
Alright guys, been working on a few songs, here's a little clip of one of 'em...There are 4 guitar tracks on this, you should be able to tell when they're all playing...I'm learning the new amp a little more everyday, & trying to get that spot where it's bright enough, without being harsh/brittle, and/or sound like a can of bees...The speakers in the new cab aren't broken in yet, but I'm doing my best to soften 'em up...I gotta say, I like this amp/cab combination a lot...

Signal chain:
SG>interface>re-amp box>EVH LBX>EVH 4x12 Greenback>i5

There is reverb on all the tracks, but that's it...Exact same tonestack settings except I dialed the gain back on the layered/red channel tracks...

Amp settings:
15w mode
Gain:................4 & 8

Main tracks: Blue channel, gain on 8, using both pickups in the SG
Layered tracks: Red channel, gain on 4, using the bridge p'up in the SG

WR 6-6-2016

I think you're getting better with that amp and cab. The tracks are clean and clear and meaty without any unnecessary muck or fizz to my ears. My only critique are the guitars have too much gain for me. I'd like that a little cleaner, but that's just my personal preference..