The New Tone Thread

Sounds good to me. Do an A/B with the LP through the same settings and let's see how they compare.

How many AC/DC riffs have you played on it so far? :D
Sounds good to me. Do an A/B with the LP through the same settings and let's see how they compare.

Thanks Greg, the i5 seems like it's a good mic. That's the first time I'd used it & the SG on that clip, very first try. But, I took a sharpie & make some little circles on my cab's grillcloth, so I've got "markers" for pretty quick mic placement...

How many AC/DC riffs have you played on it so far? :D

A bunch...:). I can hear where/how Angus gets his tone with this guitar. It's very bright & cutting, but not shrill at all. Good mids & low end too...I still need to dial it in a little better, but, it's too late tonight, so it'll have to wait until tomorrow for "real" clips. I could do a low-volume clip or two, but I already know they'd sound like shit compared to one that has a little air/volume pushing into the mic...

Something this guitar has that none of my others is sustain, this thing has got great sustain. I won't have to have it all "gain-ed" up with this one...
Something this guitar has that none of my others is sustain, this thing has got great sustain. I won't have to have it all "gain-ed" up with this one...
Better than your LP?

My SGs bark and bite, but they don't sustain anywhere near my LP does.

SGs are pretty resonant and sound bigger than they are. And don't they play easy? I'm surprised more shred dorks don't use SGs. They have unlimited fret access.
I remember having trouble playing with it at first. It seems like the whole guitar is further right...or left for you guys. Now, I don't even think about it. But I remember finding it weird to play at first, especially sitting down.
My lead guitar player is like that. He gets lost on SGs. He plays Les Pauls pretty much exclusively. He says without the giant heel of a LP, he gets confused on SGs. But I'm sure he'd figure it out if he spent any time on one. The giant heel on an LP is the only thing I don't like about them. But I spend so little time way up in that area it's no big deal. My guitars could end at the 17th fret and I'd be fine with it. :D
yeah .... I play a LOT way up there and, in fact, really miss having 24 frets when I play any of my non-Stinnett gits.
It's not at all unusual for me to be playing at the very top of the neck .... people will comment on how small the frets are but look at mando players .... they burn on even smaller frets.

So my paul sits unused most of the time.

Now, I can play up high on a paul ... but you have to quit gripping a neck and reach over and play in a different way.
I suppose someone with really long fingers could play up there normally but I don't have long fingers so for me a 24 fretter with a deep cutaway is the light and the truth. :D

I think I'm about to try doing some writing and recording ( but maybe not ... I have a hard time caring and yet, seems like I should leave something behind).
Anyways .... if I do I'll break out all my axes to get a large variety of cheap guitar sounds to murk things up! :laughings:
Better than your LP?

My SGs bark and bite, but they don't sustain anywhere near my LP does.

SGs are pretty resonant and sound bigger than they are. And don't they play easy? I'm surprised more shred dorks don't use SGs. They have unlimited fret access.

Yeah man, way more sustain than my LP. I'll do a comparison clip tomorrow, I'd do it tonight, but I really don't want the cops here...:D.

Action is great on this guitar dude, I mentioned raising it a little for slide, but not sure if I'll do that or not. I've already raised my LP for it, so I may leave the SG as-is, at least for a little while...Other than a string change, I honestly don't think this thing needs anything.

I don't think the strings are dead, but have no idea what's on it, & I've got a few sets of the Elixir's, & one set of Ernie Ball Hybrid Slinky's (.009-.042). I'm gonna throw a set of the Elixir's on it before too long. I use the coated strings because they last a lot longer, but, that may have something to do with the sustain on my other guitars, if the Elixir's make that much of a difference, I won't buy 'em again...

As far as the 24 fret thing, I used to use a 24-fret guitar, but that was playing live. It does make a little difference, as far as some of the extra notes you can hit, but, anymore, it's not a big deal to me...

I really do like the access on this SG though, right away I could just "feel" it was different than the LP, way different...

And again, so far, so good, I haven't found anything wrong with it at all. So far, I love it!!!
Ok so here's a little clip all you guys should enjoy...See if any of you can figure out what's going on here:

I know it's hard to see, & I tried to what I could with it...Using Windows Media Player, I could jack the brightness & see a little better, but not much....

I will tell you I'm in this video (about 1:50 or so, you can see me about as good as you're gonna in this vid), but again, see if you guys can figure this out....
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Ok so here's a little clip all you guys should enjoy...See if any of you can figure out what's going on here:

I know it's hard to see, & I tried to what I could with it...Using Windows Media Player, I could jack the brightness & see a little better, but not much....

I will tell you I'm in this video (about 1:50 or so, you can see me about as good as you're gonna in this vid), but again, see if you guys can figure this out....

It has an OK beat, but the tone sucks :D
It has an OK beat, but the tone sucks :D

Sucks very much dude, also very, very loud. I know you can't tell much about the vid, so I'll try to find a higher quality vid (won't be of me though) to upload...

And you might think I'm crazy, but I actually miss doing that shit. It was my way of life for 25+ years, & I'm 45, so in all reality, I've spent about half my life underground...

This video was from 2011, & I was actually hesitant to post it anywhere, because it's highly illegal. I won't go into details about that, but I could've (maybe still can, doubt it, but maybe) gotten into a lot of trouble with that video, possibly even jail time...:eek:
those machines & working environs are evil! & yes, you did take a BIG risk.
BL's on the rise in Oz by the way.
Focusrite have asked for audio samples...
I did a Freq test that starts with an electric guitar played acoustically in front of a Shure 57 and then Sennheiser e609 and the preamp pretty well cranked to get a decent signal – though obviously just short of the red zone.
The signal is quite wide going above 10 Khz on occasion.
Once I used my amp, and reduce the amount of preamp gain, the signal cuts down to just above 5kHz.
To make it clear that it wasn’t the amp – switched from a Tube amp to a solid state part way through and to ensure that it wasn’t the guitar I switched from my Guyatone Mosrite copy with bridge humbuckers to a tele copy, (bright isn’t enough to describe it’s tone), towards the end.
There was no appreciable difference.
I changed to a Focusrite CM25 condensor mic towards the end of the session as well.
I’ve tried it all really.
Imported audio files recorded on other gear have full range audio.
I even used an EQ pedal with all freqs slashed but the top one (3.iKhz) and that was on max boost as was the overall level of the signal through the pedal – again no difference.
The 1st amp was a Kustom Defender 5D into a Marshall 4x12 & the 2nd a Pignose.
With the EQ pedal and a few times when I turned the amp volume up the high end in the room was of ICE PICK dimensions standing 1m away from speaker cab.
Oh, I did test for phase cancellation as well with the guitars from the last project - flipped phase on one & the sound was dulllllllll so it's not a phase issue at recording.
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So who can tell me about these pickups Gibson dudes?

It's a 91 Standard if that helps. I'm assuming they're the original pickups but don't know. I'm the third owner but I know they were on it when the guy I bought it bought it from the original owner....

What are they likely to be? How can I work it out?
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So who can tell me about these pickups Gibson dudes?

It's a 91 Standard if that helps. I'm assuming they're the original pickups but don't know. I'm the third owner but I know they were on it when the guy I bought it bought it from the original owner....

What are they likely to be? How can I work it out?

Take them out and look underneath?

The specs for a '91 Standard state that they had two covered pickups, so it's likely that these are replacements.
Ok guys, the new git-fiddle finally arrived, & here's the first thing I played on it, just messing around with it, trying to get a feel for it....Seems this guitar is way more touch responsive/sensitive than my LP, way more. Seems like it's a keeper so far, here's a short, shitty clip:

Signal chain:
SG > DSL > '65 >i5

100w mode
Resonance: 0
Presence: 4
Bass: 5
Middle: 5
Treble: 2
Gain: 2
Vol: 3


I'm fuckin' loving it so far, & it should only get better with time as I get more used to it....This clip may be a little fizzy, but a new guitar & mic are my excuses this time 'round......:D.

Something I will have to do to it is stick a piece of foam under the strings at the nut & between the bridge/tailpiece...I'm getting the same "ping" noise my LP had...

I might have to raise the action just a little if I'm gonna play any slide on this thing...that's a maybe, might just be me right now...

Seems this thing has just got more balls to the sound compared to my Lester, maybe it's the p'up differences, the wood, maybe it's just cause I'm tickled to fuckin' death, but so far, this thing's great. I love my little LP, & I know this is the "honeymoon" phase, but the way this guitar responds to my playing, & feels is way different, & way better (so far) than my LP has ever been...Even with the volume knob(s) cranked, when I pick lighter, it cleans up pretty good...

Miner, sounds great - particularly like the clean and the way it drifts into a really nice feedback. Sounds a fuck of a lot better than anything I've ever recorded!

Indicidentally, I got a new galaxy S7 last week and it came with a new set of earbuds which are different to any earbuds I've used before.. they sound great. While both your clips sounded good miner, to me they both sounded quick thick and dark but not in a bad mushy way. Don't know how that correlates with what others think.
I'll certainly try that next time I restring it, but I'm hoping one of the gurus here will look at it and have an aha! moment for me. :D

14 days of holidays? Bastardo!!!!! ;)

There's really not much way to tell without taking them out and/or measuring their resistance. As you can see there are no brand logos or identifiable markings. Like Bubba said, Standards usually come with nickel covered pickups, but Gibson regularly makes runs of guitars without the usual options.

They kind of look like maybe they've had covers removed, but again, no real way to tell from pics. I'm thinking they're not original. I doubt Gibson would make a Standard with white pickup rings and black open buckers.
Don't have my amp with me this week and didn't even take my computer home from the office last night. The only amp I have is my old Peavy Bandit. To be fair - it sounded pretty good on the clean setting, I didn't really bother with the dirty channel at all. I think I've just got a lot more picky with my tone in the last few months so was fairly easily able to extract some good sounds out of this amp, its not as good as the Blackstar but I think I discounted it as being shit in comparison 'cos the Blackstar just sounded a lot better when I originally plugged it in.

I did have it very quiet though and I think I might be hearing a slight doubling of the tone coming out of the amp with the sound coming out of the guitar itself which probably added to the tone I was hearing.

Interesting thing - the Peavy is really fucking loud - I had it on 1 last night and that was easily a decent TV volume. Do you think there is a way I could rig this amp together with my Blackstar where I'm bypassing all of the pre-section of the Bandit and going straight into the power amp? The Peavy has an effects loop and is basically just a big solid state lump. Do you think I could go straight into the effect return or something like that?