The New Tone Thread

Celebrated new year by having a pumping surf in the frigid water of the North Atlantic. Time for a beer and play on my guitar.

Can't record yet but hope to before the weekend is over
I celebrated the new year in sweatpants and a t-shirt while watching Alabama beat the dogshit out of Michigan St. Then I popped some firecrackers with the kids. Then me and the wife fell asleep on the couch.
I've finished my pedal board for the foreseeable future now too. Cheers for the rec on the SD1. I leave it on most of the time.


Ditched the tremolo, DS1 and Jackhammer. Will probably ditch the flanger too. It's shit and I have enough modulation options without it.
I've finished my pedal board for the foreseeable future now too. Cheers for the rec on the SD1. I leave it on most of the time.


Ditched the tremolo, DS1 and Jackhammer. Will probably ditch the flanger too. It's shit and I have enough modulation options without it.

Cool man. SD1s a nice pedal, huh? I like mine.
Cool man. SD1s a nice pedal, huh? I like mine.
Yeah, even when I'm playing clean I usually leave it on. It's kinda just on the edge of breakup the whole time when you have the gain on 0 and the level cranked.

It's great over a crunched amp.
Looking forward to doing some recording with the SD1 on. From what I'm hearing in the room there'll be a huge improvement
Yeah LSU romped Texas Tech and your boy Les Miles actually called a great game.
ya' know ...... I'd be happy for him if he's a long time winning coach ...... I'd love to see it because he's such a happy guy!
Ya' just gotta like that.
A Christmas tree speared my truck ..... took out the radiator and hoses and shit ...... had to run it hot to get somewhere with lights and a non-murdering environment.

Never heard of that one .... at least my truck has a nice pine smell.
A Christmas tree speared my truck ..... took out the radiator and hoses and shit ...... had to run it hot to get somewhere with lights and a non-murdering environment.

Never heard of that one .... at least my truck has a nice pine smell.
How the fuck did that happen? Was it just laying in the road and you hit it? Or did you plow through someone's living room? :D
How the fuck did that happen? Was it just laying in the road and you hit it? Or did you plow through someone's living room? :D
laying in the road ..... car in front of me swerved and I had no time and nowhere to go and hit it.
Didn't even know what it was 'till I gout out and saw it sticking out the front of my truck!

And it was sitting just right to spear it and do damage.
laying in the road ..... car in front of me swerved and I had no time and nowhere to go and hit it.
Didn't even know what it was 'till I gout out and saw it sticking out the front of my truck!

And it was sitting just right to spear it and do damage.

That sucks ass. I was hoping you plowed through someone's living room. At least then it'd be worth it.

I was riding one time behind a mexican moving truck (overloaded pickup) and it was stacked tall. I was looking at it and thought to myself "that shits about to fall". Sure enough, a big ol bar stool fell off the truck, bounced off the car next to me, and I had no choice but to hit it head on. Cracked my bumper all to shit, but luckily no serious damage.
yeah .... it sucks for sure ..... I have no idea what it's gonna cost.
Could be anywhere from a lot to not too bad.
It's conceivable it just got the hoses but it's more likely it took out the radiator ..... busted up my bumper some but I don't really care that much what my truck looks like so we'll see.
Even if it's the radiator, if that's all then it won't be too bad.

I just hope that I didn't damage the engine from running it hot ..... I didn't run it terribly long that way and the engine didn't start acting up so maybe I didn't.
Thing about that is you just don't know until a year later it throws a rod.
Jack's shop is closed, of course, so I won't really know anything 'till Monday.

Shoot ..... and we were gonna be able to pay the bills this month ........ poopy.
Overheating an engine is obviously not good. You're not gonna "throw a rod" though. What usually happens is the heat differences between the head and block cause each part to distort differently and it wipes out the head gasket and warps the head. Blocks are usually thick and beefy enough to withstand it. The head surface is the weak link. It's a big job to fix, but not always the end of the world. The plus side of that, if there is one, is that the damage usually happens right away and doesn't develop or get worse over time. The shit gets fucked up or it doesn't. If the head gasket lives through it, then you're probably okay. A blown head gasket is pretty easy to diagnose. If the engine runs at all, it's gonna run shitty. It might smoke a lot from the exhaust, could be like steam from coolant being burned in the chambers, and the oil can turn chocolate milky from coolant and oil getting mixed together. Check your oil in a few days and see if it still looks like oil. If it looks like chocolate milkshake you have a problem. In extreme cases you'll crack something, and then it's new engine time.
well, since I know you know your engine stuff lemme ask:

My Nissan p/up broke a belt in an area where I simply had no choice ..... drive it no matter how hot it got 'till I got to a safe spot.
It got so hot the engine started bucking ..... just jerking the truck along.
But once fixed it ran fine .... no head damage or anything.
However, a year later it threw a rod.

I've always assumed that when it overheated so badly it had scored something, a bearing surface or oil channel or something and that eventually led to the thrown rod.
Am I wrong?
Were the two issues unconnected?
well, since I know you know your engine stuff lemme ask:

My Nissan p/up broke a belt in an area where I simply had no choice ..... drive it no matter how hot it got 'till I got to a safe spot.
It got so hot the engine started bucking ..... just jerking the truck along.
But once fixed it ran fine .... no head damage or anything.
However, a year later it threw a rod.

I've always assumed that when it overheated so badly it had scored something, a bearing surface or oil channel or something and that eventually led to the thrown rod.
Am I wrong?
Were the two issues unconnected?

It's possible. If it got so hot that it ran bad then something got distorted. Usually a head gasket will pop way before serious mechanical failure happens. It's strange that overheating would take out a rod a year later, but I suppose it could eventually happen. What could have happened there is the block got so hot that the cylinders warped and the force of the piston still moving up and down bashed the crank end of the connecting rod out of round. The only thing keeping the crankshaft and rod journal from meeting an ugly fate is a few thousandths of clearance and a thin film of oil. A rod journal that goes egg shaped is real bad. This could eventually lead to a rod problem, but I'd think it would happen way sooner than a year later. I tend to believe the two issues are unrelated, but it's possible for sure.