The New Tone Thread

I'm glad I got the DSL-1 when I did, because it got my feet wet with the Marshall thing, but like I've already said, I wish I'd just bought a DSL100H, 4x12 to begin with, but that's like the Randall ISO cab, live & learn....

Nah man, I'm really not in any shape to buy any gear right now, but later on, if something came along that has all that, I might be interested...Just to be honest though, I'm pretty happy with what I've got dude, I personally think I've got a killer setup...

The guys at the Marshall forum are all whining about it, I just thought I'd bring it up here to see what you guys think about it...

What are those morons whining about? I thought they'd be jacking each other off over the Junkilee reissue.'s something over there all the time dude, really....Just endless, mindless stupid shit most of the time...There are a couple guys there that are cool & helpful, & one member actually has the inside scoop with Marshall (I think he works for them somehow), he's the one who said there will be a couple new amps coming....

They'll probably release another version of the DSL....Let's see, they've got: DSL-1, DSL-5, DSL-15, DSL-40 & DSL100....I can't say a lot though, because I own 2 of those...:laughings:.
At this point I truly could not care less what Marshall does. I love Marshalls, I love my Marshalls, but I can't imagine them coming up with anything that would interest me enough to buy it new.

I think a true single channel amp based on the Satriani JVM Crunch Red channel could be interesting though. That's a pretty damn good sounding mode on that amp. I could just make my JVM sound like that though. My 2204 already pretty much sounds like that.
Yeah dude, I know the 2 amps I have can't get the "exact" full spectrum of the Marshall tone, but they can do a fairly good approximation, so unless something comes along that just blows me away, & I'd get rid of something I have now, my Marshally-y tones are already here....

To be honest, I've been listening to & looking at a lot of different amps lately, but none of 'em are Marshall....
I want something with a thicker bottom end growl, to me, the Marshall thing is that "kerrang" with the highs/high-mids that bite (it does have bottom too, but just sayin'), & I want something darker that would compliment it....Maybe an Orange, I had my eyes on an OR15 right before I got the Ceriatone, so I might go that route...I've even been looking at Mesa, but there's no way I'm dropping that kind of coin on an amp head, maybe one of the 25 watters...Really not sure, all this is just digging/research right now...
I do still want to buy, or build, a nice Fender Super/Twin type amp with vibrato and big fat spring reverb.

and then start a surf band. I'll move to texas to play bass and hollar a bunch of random "HEY HEYS"

You'd think considering i play a guitar exactly like dick dale i'd play way more surf music. But that guy just had "It" for that kind of music.
I want something with a thicker bottom end growl, to me, the Marshall thing is that "kerrang" with the highs/high-mids that bite (it does have bottom too, but just sayin'), & I want something darker that would compliment it....Maybe an Orange, I had my eyes on an OR15 right before I got the Ceriatone, so I might go that route...I've even been looking at Mesa, but there's no way I'm dropping that kind of coin on an amp head, maybe one of the 25 watters...Really not sure, all this is just digging/research right now...

Check out Diamond amps. That little Assassin I had was very modern sounding, tons of gain, and super thick in the low end grunt. That's why I don't have it anymore. Lol. But it was good for that kind of sound. I know of one I might even be able to get to you on the cheap maybe.
and then start a surf band. I'll move to texas to play bass and hollar a bunch of random "HEY HEYS"

You'd think considering i play a guitar exactly like dick dale i'd play way more surf music. But that guy just had "It" for that kind of music.

Surf music is my other favorite music. I've always wanted to do a psycho-surf-punk thing like Man or Astroman. I'd be just right for something like that. I'm not too good a player, but I can whip out some surfy shit pretty well.
wow .... go off and do a gig and when I come back it's 4 pages later!

...I've even been looking at Mesa, but there's no way I'm dropping that kind of coin on an amp head, maybe one of the 25 watters...Really not sure, all this is just digging/research right now...
If you'd like some of the features that mesa offers like multiple channels .... power scaling ..... multiple modes per channel etc. at a lower price check out the Carvin V3 Micro ..... 3 channels ... run it 50 15 or 7 watts ..... only 6 bills.
I'm 90 per cent sure I'll get one on the next year or so. Give you a lot of versatility.
I am a Mesa guy though ..... they're a bit pricy but they're just great solid amps. But the V3 is a bad-ass amp ...... I can sense it! :D

and those big amps would blow a 1x10 or 1x12 cab to smithereens.
I have a 200 watt EV 12" that was designed for my defunct 6101 (no ..... I haven't worked on it yet ) that'd handle one of those big wattage Marshalls .
I actually love a single 12 just ripping! I'd like that 12 in a closed back cab with a Marshall Plexi up on it ...... that'd be fun.
My Mesa Mark V is 90 watts ..... single 12.

As for the 1 watters ..... man ..... there's no headroom ...... you're almost always gonna be compressed to some extent.
They do one thing good and that's it ...... you can crank them and still not be stupid loud.
That's what they're all about ..... IF that's what you need they're golden though. But otherwise ...
Check out Diamond amps. That little Assassin I had was very modern sounding, tons of gain, and super thick in the low end grunt. That's why I don't have it anymore. Lol. But it was good for that kind of sound. I know of one I might even be able to get to you on the cheap maybe.

Cool man, but it's gonna be after I get back to work before I do anything like that....I'm just skimming by on UI, although I do have $$$ put back, I really don't wanna get into that unless it's a have-to case, & buying an amp isn't....yet....:laughings:
A former friend of mine had a lovely, ancient, Fender Twin. It was a real beats to lug around due to weight & shape.
It was stolen and he replaced it with an original Sansamp.
I was flabbergasted: he was all "organic, hippy, red light in the room when recording, vibe and meditation" and bought a Sansamp.
I laughed, he wasn't appreciative of my mirth which may explain the former status.
I have a 200 watt EV 12" that was designed for my defunct 6101 (no ..... I haven't worked on it yet ) that'd handle one of those big wattage Marshalls .
I actually love a single 12 just ripping! I'd like that 12 in a closed back cab with a Marshall Plexi up on it ...... that'd be fun.
My Mesa Mark V is 90 watts ..... single 12.

Do you like those mega high watt speakers? I think they sound so stiff! I've never heard one in a 1x12 though. I bet a Plexi feeding one of those would be crazy. A lot of the metal guys use super speakers like that. I think I read somewhere that Zakk Wylde's cabs are rated for 1200 watts or something crazy like that. They want no speaker coloration.
Do you like those mega high watt speakers? I think they sound so stiff! .
well, in general I kinda agree ...... but when I swapped out a Celestion for that EV ( The Mesa Celestion that I really like a lot ) I didn't hear much difference.
But for sure ..... speaker breakup is an important part of a rock sound and you ain't gonna get that out of a buncha 200 watt speakers.
But if you're only using a single 12 and a high wattage amp then you're getting enough power to it that I think you'll get some breakup.
well, in general I kinda agree ...... but when I swapped out a Celestion for that EV ( The Mesa Celestion that I really like a lot ) I didn't hear much difference.
But for sure ..... speaker breakup is an important part of a rock sound and you ain't gonna get that out of a buncha 200 watt speakers.
But if you're only using a single 12 and a high wattage amp then you're getting enough power to it that I think you'll get some breakup.

Yeah with a 1x12 I suppose it would get into some breakup.

I was recording a buddy that uses Celestion K-100s. Big huge heavy magnet 100 w speakers. 400w cab! He uses a JVM just like mine, and I just couldn't get happy with his recorded sound. My kind of settings, his kind of settings, it all sounded stiff and kind of cold to me. It sounded kind of like recording at very low amp volume, even though his shit was peeling the paint off the walls. He loved it though, so it's all good. It just really drove the point home for me that I personally like some speaker flavor.
I personally like some speaker flavor.
absolutely 100% true ...... I'm definitely a fan of having JUST enough power handling in your speaker to not blow it up. A lot of the very best sounding speakers ever are low wattage.

I had a Fender Vibro-King that I foolishly sold right before I moved to Fl. It had those old U shaped magnet Jensens that only handled like, 15 watts or something ...... they sounded amazing!
absolutely 100% true ...... I'm definitely a fan of having JUST enough power handling in your speaker to not blow it up. A lot of the very best sounding speakers ever are low wattage.

I had a Fender Vibro-King that I foolishly sold right before I moved to Fl. It had those old U shaped magnet Jensens that only handled like, 15 watts or something ...... they sounded amazing!

Lol. That's awesome. Those are so cool. Did it have the transformer mounted on the speaker?
no ..... just the old U magnet.
at one time I had around 20 12 and 15 inch speakers that came out of jukeboxes .... they were all those old type alnico speakers.

They're worth a lot of money today ..... I'm pretty sure I threw them away! :laughings:
no ..... just the old U magnet.
at one time I had around 20 12 and 15 inch speakers that came out of jukeboxes .... they were all those old type alnico speakers.

They're worth a lot of money today ..... I'm pretty sure I threw them away! :laughings:

Yeah it's crazy how that works. I used to bash and destroy Hot Wheels cars that are worth a pretty penny today. I was looking at lists of the most valuable Hot Wheels...I had probably 90% of those damn toy cars and they all got blown up with firecrackers and smashed with hammers and shit. My mom sold all my Star Wars crap at garage sales before anyone had any idea that junk would be nerd-valuable today.