The New SP B1


New member
Hi guys,

I have the older model of the Studio Project B1. Im wanting to get another so I can record in stereo, tho I notice that the new model has been slightly upgraded. My quetsion is, will the new model match with my old model to give me a good stereo recording? Also, is it actually important that I get my sceond mic with the same dot colour...cus it seems hard to get this point across to sellers on ebay!

Thanx a lot :)
Contact Studio Projects


It appears that no one here knows the answer to your question. I would email Studio Projects tech support. I bet they can help you out.


Hairy Larry
hairylarry said:

It appears that no one here knows the answer to your question. I would email Studio Projects tech support. I bet they can help you out.


Hairy Larry

Either that, or log onto PMI's Studio Projects bulletin board, look around, and ask.