The New Rig


New member
Tascam 80-8, Tascam 38, Teac DX-8 dbx unit, Tascam M-08 mixer *temporary. I'm thinking Ramsa T820b at this point any suggestions

So which 8-track will you use? Or are you using them for bouncing?

The thread title says "new" it all new to you or just getting it setup for the first time or??

Get that 80-8 out...poor fella is kinda shy over there in the corner. :D

And what's the deck behind the pink guitar?

And are those Alesis monitors the M1 actives or passives?
All new to me... in every way.

First time doing anything like this. The 80-8 will be the main event with 38 filling in for back up and bouncing.

The Alesis speakers are powered.

Sony TC-366 hiding behind the strat.
Agreed that the M-08 is pretty limited being an 8x2 mixer and lacking even direct outs. But, if you're recording on your own and just add a patch bay to assist in routing those two outputs to the 8 inputs on either of your 8 trackers, you still could get by with it. Otherwise, yeah, the Ramsa you mentioned would be a nice choice if you can actually find one and that is in good working order and ready to go. Failing that, depending on how many tracks you plan on recording in one pass, any number of 4 and 8 buss mixers from TASCAM would do.

Are you recording just yourself and overdubbing everything one track at a time? Or are you recording with other people/an entire band, live off the floor?

Cheers! :)
It's sort of a growing operation at this point. We're going to be recording in all of the situations mentioned at any given time. Ultimately to become a full blown studio operation. We're being uber-picky about the board and trying to learn the equipment as we're assembling the studio.

As pictured it is more of a test phase as we get our ducks in a row.

The M-08 will probably become part of the "sketch pad" 1/4" rig centered around the Sony TC-366 as it is variable speed and matches up nicely and considerably cheaper in regards to tape. I'm wanting to add some warmth through the use of pre-amps and compression to that rig. Which as it stands consists of the Sony TC-366, dbx I unit, Tascam M-08- any suggestions there?