The mother of all questions!


New member
Ok. Some of you might know that I have HUGE problems running my DAW. Maybe problem is my VIA kt133 motherboard. And the mother of all questions is: "What motherboard is good for DAW?" It doesn't have to be newest. All I need 1000mhz AMD support, two hardrives etc. What boards do you use?

Thank you so much and I hope that I could finally finally record some guitar tracks!
For a 1 gig processor, I *think* most any newer AMD supported motherboard will fit the job. Get a motherboard that will support future expansion. Maybe 3 or 4 memory slots and 5 PCI slots. You could probably find one for $60-$100 depending on your needs. Check out, they have great deals on motherboards.
the KT 133 chipset is one of Via's worst chipset, if not the single worst one.

The KT333/266a are decent chipsets.

If you want something to run a 1 gig AMD, use the nForce chipset. Asus and MSI make boards with this chipset.

Downside is they're in the expensive side as far as mobos go, but IMO they're of the best among the non-Via chipsets for AMD.
I have a kt133A mobo and I have so many freakin problems it's rediculous. I have the ASUS A7M266 being shipped, I found it at Non OEM with a pretty good warranty and 30 money back days for about 91.95 including shipping.
It's VIA KT266A chipset.
Thanks for you answers! I've heard so many times about Abit KG7 and nForce chipsets, so I think I'll find something like that. Maybe newest VIA chipsets arent that horrible but now I'm so pissed off about VIA so I don't want to buy them.

tf5_bassist: If you don't have any problems, be happy. I don't know why have this been so difficult for me...

But now I see light in end of the tunnel :)