The Fountainhead


New member
I feel like such a slacker. I never read this "required high school/college reading-list" book, but I checked it out on audio. All 30+ hours of it.

I really liked it. And its message.

Anybody else read this?
never read a novel before :o

just looked it up ... interesting reference to the title by the auther; "man's ego is the fountainhead of human progress" ... looks like a good read.."the life of an individualistic young architect, Howard Roark, who chooses to struggle in obscurity rather than compromise his artistic and personal vision by pandering to the prevailing taste in building design. "

im revisiting an old book of mine from the 30's 'psychology of music' ... it gets into the nuts and bolts of what music is and attracts us to it... also wrestles around with what characteristics the musical genuis has and can develope
You're 31 and you never read a novel?!?!?!

That's scary.

I thought everyone reads that book at a certain's always nice to have standards but now I remember the concept as being pretty anally selfish (or selfishly anal). The book was made into a pretty bad movie, which might be worth looking up anyway since you've already invested 30 hours into listening to it :p
haha.. yeah.. i know im weird :D

i found school boring and really didnt enjoy it that much ... i had absolutiy no left-brained activity in school.. i believe thats one of the reasons i never made my way through a novel. i probably would enjoy it ... but never had the patience

the only things ive read and found interesting are technical books..probably because you can read them in a helter skelter fashion

i remember bringing anatomy books into study hall and learning about and drawing the human body.. and then after school id be soldering electronics.. very different from your average bear :D

sorry for the ramble :o
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I've read Anthem, The Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged, and some of Rand's non-fictional commentary. Her novels are great reads and very compelling, even though her brand of objectivism is pretty harsh - too black-and-white - and impractical.
I went up on Youtube and did a search on The Fountainhead. There were a few scenes and the trailer. Plus, an entire interview with author Ayn Rand on Donahue taped in the '80's just before her death. She lays out her philosophy of value for the individual, particularly the one that can achieve, while rejecting the altruist as a promoter of mediocrity. I would think that people on this board might find it interesting since in some measure many of us consider ourselves artists. The protagonist maintains his artistic and personal integrity throughout, despite the obstacles set before him.

Did not know about "Anthem." I love "2112." That's another one I can download from my liberry.
Just got the DVD of the movie from my library. Somewhat disappointing. I think it could be redone today as a tv miniseries or something as this flick was extremely condensed. The plot and timelines needed to be messed with to fit the 2-hour window and the story suffered a bit. Add to that the wooden performances and the cheesy sets and it loses any momentum the story itself brings to the table.