The eternal F#@*ing buzz


New member
I have a problem and it wont go away.

i own an ESP 207 7 string guitar over the past fwe months (i cant remember exactily it started to emitt a low buzz whenever a note was not being played (be it run through distortion or not) i took it in and the guitar tek sprayed my electronics with some sort of chrome copper stuff but it didnt seem to do the trick i hate this buzz its starting to get louder

buzz is my foe! i wish to eat its children!

any ideas?

oh, if it helps i run my guitar through a Marshall MG100RCD head and a Hughs & Kettner cab
Are you sure it the guitar? Try pluging another one into the amp and see if you still have the buzz.

Also, check all you patch cords and stomp boxes.
Maybe the Pickups are the prob.Even in humbuckers if the coils aren't grounded properly..This would be the first place I'd check after all the cavity sheilding you have gone thru.

pickups eh, alright and if they turn out to be the culpret is there anything i can do to to fix them?

but first, how can i tell if their not groundd properly
I'd Take it to your local repair shop..If you really like the PU's have them check the groundin' and have them dipped in bees wax {keeps them from bein' microphonic ect.}I'd prob. just replace them if they were bad ..Unless the were authentic Gibson PAF's or something..Pickups are pretty inexpensive..Maybe someone who knows about pickup wrapping ect. will chime in..Good luck
