The Cause


New member
I'm recording some demo tracks for my band while we look for a studio for our first album. We have one done so far and three more may be done as early as friday. Tell me what ya think! (ugh, I hate the mp3 codec it makes music sound so crappy!)

listen here:
This is a clear example that a good song does not need to be greatly recorded and produced to be awesome...

Nice man... Now go for the studio and try to re create this energy.
Kicks ass!
Very good songwriting, arrangement, great singer, damn good performance. The mix is what it is, a demo before you go into the studio, but it sounds pretty good to me. Well done, show us more!

Joey :):):):)
Thanks for the praise, hopefully there will be 3 more by late this week or next week. I'll keep you guys posted.
Can you post it as an MP3 that's not a myspace page? works great. Myspace sucks, and I've got a thing against click seekers.
I like the girl's voice and the song reminds me of paramore or one of those other rock bands with a girl singer. As far as the audio goes, it could use a little work but it isn't a bad attempt at all.

