the best mic pre's?


New member
hello. i was just wondering what mixers you guys consider to have the best preamps. the reason i ask, is that im looking to make a preamp sort of as just a project, and if i have a brand name, i could look around online for a schematic. i have learned from these forums that behringer pres are particularly bad, so ive at least gotten that far. what do you guys think of soundcraft, mackie, carvin, etc? those are the brands that immediatly come to mind, but i am absolutely positive i missed a few good ones. thanks in advance.
Perhaps Neve is the most coveted of all boards, although there are a few in the same catagory. More importantly than a schematic though, is the choice of specific components. Things like transformers all looks the same on the schematic, but vary immensly in reality. In order to reproduce any preamp (or any other audio gear for that matter) you need to research the manufacturers choice of components.

This is readily apparent in tubes. A tube is not just a tube. Just because the schematic says to use a triode, different makes or models of a triode will sound vastly different. The same goes for solid state gear. A/D converters are a good example. They all do the same thing, and the chips might even have the same exact pinout, but the differences in performace can be staggering.

A schematic is a good place to start. But once you decide on a particular design, find out what specific parts were used origionally and see if they are available. You might find that the particular part you need will costs you a car payment or two.

You can replicate the greatest equipment in the world, if you want to. It'll cost you though.
Building mic-pres is no simple matter. But it is possible, providing that you put in some effort.

Here's a couple of resources:

GroupDIY's mic pre page:

Gyraf Audio tube mic pre project (not recommended for beginners) :

Peter C's "green" mic pre:


Amek 2500 mic pre:

Neotec Elite input stage:

Obscure Schematics in general:

Good luck on the project..

Jakob Erland
Gyraf Audio
Yo --ON:

You can get Grace Design on the net and check out the specs on their products.

I'm negotiating for a GD 101 at the moment.

Money doesn't always equate to quality but in mic preamps, it may.

Green Hornet :p :D :cool:
Yo Dexterous ONE:]

Just ordered the Grace Design; best price came from Cascade Media.

Expect to plug it in next week. I like to shop and save for those "goodies."

Can you spend more on a mic pre? YOU Bet Your Butt. But, check around and what fits your budget is what you budget your budget for.

Green Hornet :D :p :p :p :p
Yo Ramitep:

Well, I'm sure you are right. Mic Pres are in the ears and hears of the purchaser.

I'm so very sure that there are about 22 mic pres that may be better than the one I ordered; however, for my budget and present goals, the Grace should be a good addition.

Since most of my clients are poor, I might be able to charge them more for the quality of the Grace; however, I probably won't because I only record a "select" group of clients. I select them.

Maybe that's why I have to save such a long time for a good piece of gear.


Vespa verde:p :p :D :D :p :p
Yo All:

I now have the Grace Design 101 in my studio. Will post a report on its quality in the gear phylum shortly.

Neat looking little box. Best price I found was from Cascade Media located in Oregon.

Green Hornet :cool: :p :cool: