The Beatles get put through the meat grinder!

Pretty cool interpretations. Kind of like the Average White Band warming up before a show. I like the sound of everything except the snare. What's going on there?
neat....kinda jam bandy...but i lived:) that trey tone on the elec geet could be lost and forgoten as far as i am concerned but thats your groove and not what your looking for in nits i'm sure...overall a well laid tune!
That guitarist is hot! The various leads are all tasty and melodic....
The sax player is pretty cool too! This is a musical feast for the ears!
The whole thing is great - mix/playing everything... Good One...
Agree with all of the above posts. I'd prefer a more jazz guitar tone than the distortion. Not sure the distortion on the guitar adds to the musicality of the piece. Nice playing though. Everything else is just about perfect in my opinion.
Awesome mix!! The acoustic swings it for me...yeah the snares kinda that common in Jazz? brass makes it.
awesome! Good stuff. You should turn up the dirty guitar so it feels like a slap in the face everything he jumps in. Atleast that's what I would do. Good work!