The amazing VF-08!


New member
The fostex vf-08 is complete junk! When I switched it on and followed directions in the manual, I found that NOTHING worked as described!
Every attempt to record ends with another listen to the built-in demo recording (not even mentioned in the manual) followed by dead air.
Nothing works as described.
And there is no trouble-shooting section in the manual.
I wasted $600 on this cruel joke.
DON"T BUY THIS PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's possible that you are not using SPDIF (Sony,Phillips Digital Interface), but are just using standard RCA connectors. Many have made that mistake.
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Don't give up just yet. To be able to record a new song (Fostex calls it program), press the "Track Edit/PGM" button while holding down the "Shift" button.

The display will say "Program" at the top, followed by "P01: VF08 DEMO" and under that "New Program". Use the jog wheel to highlight "New Program". Press "Setup/F1" while holding down "Shift".

You will now have the oppotunity to name your program (you can also choose to do it later at any time). After you rename it (or if you don't) press "Time Base Sel/F2" while holding down "Shift". The previous display returns. Press "Setup/F1" while holding down "Shift".

You now have a blank program and can record.

Hope this helps.

The manual is a state of the art example of pure CRAP. If you need more help, just post back and i'll see if i can assist.

Sorry about the language kiddies!
I did make some progress with my VF08.
Apparently, the factory demo tracks took up the entire hard drive, even though they were only about 1 minute in length (the rest was recorded silence) and were "protected" tracks. Obviously, these were the tracks used at the factory to test the deck.( Now I must eat a little crow. I reformatted the harddrive. And

I've been able to record 7 tracks
-the last being stereo.
This is obviously a unique little machine. Especially since I THOUGHT I was mentally prepared! And it got me anyway!
But, I warn you, the VF08 almost nothing like the analog decks some of us old f***ers are used to. And I still have feeling it may get the last laugh. So, I apologise in advance for my future complaints.
And I thank you folks for your advice. I'm sure I'll be needing it again.
The VF08 may not be total s*** after all.
Capt. BIG-MOUTH!!!
Sorry about the language kiddies!
I did make some progress with my VF08.
Apparently, the factory demo tracks took up the entire hard drive, even though they were only about 1 minute in length (the rest was recorded silence) and were "protected" tracks. Obviously, these were the tracks used at the factory to test the deck.( Now I must eat a little crow. I reformatted the harddrive. And

I've been able to record 7 tracks
-the last being stereo.
This is obviously a unique little machine. Especially since I THOUGHT I was mentally prepared! And it got me anyway!
But, I warn you, the VF08 almost nothing like the analog decks some of us old f***ers are used to. And I still have feeling it may get the last laugh. So, I apologise in advance for my future complaints.
And I thank you folks for your advice. I'm sure I'll be needing it again.
The VF08 may not be total s*** after all.
Capt. BIG-MOUTH!!!

Good you're making progress with your VF. Any track you record, mono, stereo, or all eight of them, will run like it's playing back until you press stop. That's why it looks like the track is much longer than it actually is. If you just let it run, when it hits 23h59m59s the counter will reset itself to 0h0m0s and just continue. The tracks on the hard drive are no longer than you recorded them, though.

To see where your recording ends (same as where the recorded track ends on the hard drive), hold down "Stop" and push " F FWD". The counter will show Rec End. Hold down "Stop" and push "REWIND" and it will take you to the start of the track.

If you haven't tried to create a new "program" yet, have a go at it.

On my D824, there is a Rec Protection on/off. If it's on, you can't record anything. These machines are part recorder and mostly computer.
I had a look at the manual again, it honestly sucks beyond belief....

The section about creating a new program is at page 56... the part about recording a song is at page 25.... Go figure... No wonder you were confused.

If we have the same version of the manual it's on page 56, if not look under "Recorder Functions--Program--Creating a new program". The chapters under "Recorder Functions" will help you manage your tracks.

Good luck,

worst manual of all time

Yeah...micmac's got it right. I have a VF-16 and the manual does suck beyond belief. If I recall correctly, at one point it instructs the user to "turn on the both machine." Fantastic. The next step down would be to just print it in straight Japanese.

Capt. Helgramite,

I went from an analog 4-track to the VF-16 and it's definitely quite a bit different. I have most definitely felt my moments of rage, but as mentioned above, the main problem is the instruction booklet (or relative lack thereof I might say). Once you get accustomed to the digital medium, the conveniences it offers are incredible. You really just have to spend time with it, take whatever you can from the manual, and most of all, use this forum. Good luck and keep talking.
Actually, the VF16 manual stinks even more than the VF08 manual. I didn't think it was possible, but more buttons - more crappy japanese english i guess.

At least i'm used to it...
