The 4 Track Challenge


New member

My blog is hosting a "4 track challenge." Basically the idea is to create an EP between now and 11/14 using nothing as a recording device except an analog 4 track. I'm not trying to like, put ads in forums, or anything not cool like that. If you're interested, you can check out the blog's page: hearts bleed radio: 4 Track Challenge

We have about 30 artist signed up. Our goal is to hit 100 before 10/1. Do you guys have any thoughts on this? Is anyone interested in partaking? I think it could be really cool, and ideally we'll have artists using everything from a porta 02 to a fairly professional reel to reel setup.
When you guys do an 8 track I'll join, I just don't have any for track stuff around here anymore...I like the idea and I will check it out.
Hey Calgon, We'll never do an 8 track challenge, ha! The point of the 4 track is that it was a mass produced, highly popular device that a lot of musicians still have kicking around. Does that make sense?

You can use your 8-track if you'd like, just please only use 4 tracks. :)
Nice idea. We send tapes I presume, (joke).

If you sent me a tape, I'd mix it for you, ha! Why not?

I was going to originally ask everyone to send me a stereo cassette master, but now there's going to be at least going to be 50 projects, and I don't really want to bother digitizing it all myself, so I think I'll ask for files. The jury is still out on whether we should allow some digital processing at that point. I don't really see the harm in it, but well see what the group thinks in a couple of weeks.
A cool idea! I have at least one EP that I haven't gotten around to recording yet and have been itching to use my 244. I'll pencil it in, decide by Wednesday...