TG55 sysex file conversion


It needs more cowbell!
I'm stumped. I've got a Yamaha TG55, and I bought some patches from that came as sysex files. I downloaded Dumpster to handle the sysex dump to the TG55. The files SEEMED to transfer OK...but how do I access them once they're in the TG55? The manual is useless when it comes to MIDI bulk dumps-it makes the assumption that you know exactly what you're doing-obviously, I don't.

Brzilian, I know you've got a little experience with these-any advice? I was hoping this would be an intuitive process-it's not.
Nope. These are patches from a vendor. They started life on a floppy disk. I uploaded them to my desktop, and sent them to the TG55 via Dumpster. Problem is, I have no idea how to access them once they're in the TG55...
H2oskiphil said:
Nope. These are patches from a vendor. They started life on a floppy disk. I uploaded them to my desktop, and sent them to the TG55 via Dumpster. Problem is, I have no idea how to access them once they're in the TG55...


You realize there are 2 patch banks on the 55, right? One is called Preset and the other is Internal, I believe. Internal is the user RAM area to store your own sounds. I never did any SYSEX dumps from a PC, but I would copy sounds from RAM cards to the Internal bank all the time.
...I just downloaded the PDF manual for the SY55 from Yamaha's website.

Did you turn off the Bulk In Protect in the Utility Menu? If you don't do that, you cannot write to the Internal Bank

I had the bulk in protect shut off. My software showed that the bulk transfer took place, but I have no idea where to find the data IN the TG55...

The manual's not much help, is it? It sure wasn't for me...I went through that thing aboout four times last night. It tells you how to accept a MIDI bulk dump, but nothing about how to convert or access the data.

It can't be this difficult, can it? :-(

I'm not sure what I was doing wrong last night, but I tried dumping the sysex patches in this morning, and they worked. Each patch has 64 voices that showed up in the user banks.

I wish I knew what I did wrong last night...

So, now that we're beyond that, anyone have any leads on good patches for the SY55/TG55? I'm feeling the need to expand my horizons..

Thanks for the links...I'll be checking those out tonight.

Has anyone fornd a decent patch that recreates the Styx "Come Sail Away" sound? I found my second favorite sound-ELP "Lucky Man" in a couple of places, but haven't nailed down the Styx thing yet.

Maybe I'll get creative and try to figure out how to do it myself. That's why all those little knobs and sliders are on the board, right?

:D :D :D :D :D
H2oskiphil said:

Thanks for the links...I'll be checking those out tonight.

Has anyone fornd a decent patch that recreates the Styx "Come Sail Away" sound? I found my second favorite sound-ELP "Lucky Man" in a couple of places, but haven't nailed down the Styx thing yet.

Maybe I'll get creative and try to figure out how to do it myself. That's why all those little knobs and sliders are on the board, right?

:D :D :D :D :D

Yamaha's "Analog" ROM card had lots of good sounds...