Testing Mic preamps


New member
About a year ago I purchased a Motu 8 pre. I think somethings wrong with it but was wondering if there is a easy way to find out ( maybe some kind of visual analysis tool or something). The problem i am having is it sounds hollow.The bass guitar is pathetic. Ive tried a bass pod as well as plugged straight into the unit with my bass & it sounds empty & horrible (i`ve recorded with this bass before). I dont enjoy recording music anymore because of it. These are the worst recordings ive had since i first started recording. I had a firepod at one point & the bass sounded fine (i got rid of it because the GSIF drivers didn`t work). I am not a snob exaggerating some minor little thing into something big & can`t imagine anyone who might read this thinking the sound is acceptable. I purchased it at Guitar Center & got the extended warranty but imagine them looking inside & seeing nothing wrong & sending it back.Thanks
About a year ago I purchased a Motu 8 pre. I think somethings wrong with it but was wondering if there is a easy way to find out ( maybe some kind of visual analysis tool or something). The problem i am having is it sounds hollow.The bass guitar is pathetic. Ive tried a bass pod as well as plugged straight into the unit with my bass & it sounds empty & horrible (i`ve recorded with this bass before). I dont enjoy recording music anymore because of it. These are the worst recordings ive had since i first started recording. I had a firepod at one point & the bass sounded fine (i got rid of it because the GSIF drivers didn`t work). I am not a snob exaggerating some minor little thing into something big & can`t imagine anyone who might read this thinking the sound is acceptable. I purchased it at Guitar Center & got the extended warranty but imagine them looking inside & seeing nothing wrong & sending it back.Thanks

Man the best analysis you can make is hearing it, and if it sounds crappy then its crappy (at least for your needs). Did you tried using different mic'ing technicques?, maybe the problem its not the pre-amp but the mics or mic positioning, or even the firepod, did you tried a voice test?, mening connect a simple 57 and record some speech and see how it sounds. If you still think the pre-amp doesnt sound nice, well ill say, sell it and get another one, if your ears are telling you it sucks, perhaps it does...
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Best idea (i think) would be to A/B it with a known good source. like a friends unit that is perhaps of slightly lesser or equal quality but you know that its producing a good sound. Then compare.
If you tell GC that it dont work right and you dont want it,,they will take it back...I took back 1 daw a day until I found the one I wanted...Hey If it sounds like shit...it's not your fault....Take it back!!!
Its always been this way. I went through 3 different preamps before this (Firepod,Motu 896HD,Firestudio) & the only reason i ended up with the 8 pre was because i went pass the 2 week return on recording devices & the guy said i would have to stick with what i chose & no refund.Vocals & guitars sound ok but bass sounds bad. I used to use a small behringer mixer & a M-audio 24/96 sound card & it didn`t sound as clean but the bass sounded fine.