Terrible mix translation...beginner monitors?


New member
I have been mixing on a decent Logitech 2.1 system. I know, I know that is not real practical, so I have decided to get a decent set of entry level studio monitors. I am only on a $300 dollar budget so my choices are very limited. Also, I do not have any local music shops so I cannot go demo speakers so I am really relying on online reviews and forums. After quite a bit of research I have narrowed it down to a few sets that fit the budget on musicians friend....

M-Audio BX5a 70 Watt Active Studio Monitors $300
Alesis Monitor 1 Active MKII Powered Monitors $300
Fostex PM-1 MKII Active Nearfield Studio Monitors $300
TASCAM VL-X5 Bi-Amped Studio Monitors $300
Event Tuned Reference TR5 Active Monitors $300

I know that anyone of these is probably significantly better than my current setup, but hopefully a you guys can steer me in the right direction to get the most bang for the buck.

I am mostly mixing rap music so I understand that in the future I would probably have to get a sub to accommodate these speakers to give me an idea what is happening in the low end. You can check out some of our tracks at

My main concern for new monitors is the problem I have translating my mixes to other systems. Thanks for your time.

I don't have much experience with any of these models but I was in a shop looking to buy some beginner monitors also and the guy there told me that for the cheaper monitors, Fostex are the way to go as they design the driver or whatever for all the other companies. But I'm no expert...
I'd go listen to them.

Keeping in mind that any monitors are only going to sound as good as the room they're in allows them to.

In other words, the monitors themselves are only part of the equation...
Obstacle1 said:
the guy there told me that for the cheaper monitors, Fostex are the way to go as they design the driver or whatever for all the other companies.
I've never heard this.

Anybody know anything more about this statement?
The Fostex's are usable. I've been working with a pair for a few months since my NS10's blew another tweeter. I think they're closer to $400 though.

Most of us have apapted to and end up liking our own choices of monitors (I use M-Audios with good results). I'd suggest doing what some of us typically do: buy 2-3 of your top choices and then compare them in your own home. The few extra shipping dollars won't matter a year from now, and monitors do sound different in different spaces.

If I were you now, I'd probably add the Samson Rubicons to your list. I've heard nothing but positive reviews, and a Future Music pro monitor shoot-out last year (in Peter Gabriel's studio) gave the 5" and 6" models a solid first in their classes. They're certainly worth a listen at $300 and $400 respectively.


Good luck,

Good article.
The ribbon tweeter, used to be expensive to build, and is a bit more fragile physically...

I have ribbons on some speakers that are nearly 20+ yrs old and they're still working fine. No one ever poked them with a pencil either though :eek:

Sounds like a great bang for the buck. As far as offshoring for cheaper prices, a GMC saleman was telling me there's so many Chineese parts in a GMC truck, it may as well stand for GMChina.

The Texas Instruments DLP TV chips are all offshored too and the quality and test criteria is the same or better. The labor savings was 70% alone, no OSHA or EPA, no gouging US Insurance companies (Taiwan is free government medical coverage). The fact is no one was buying a DLP TV made in the US for $10,000 except the "Steven Speilbergs and George Lucas's"...now their $1500.

sorry off subject, but the article insinuated the offshoring and price point of the Rubicons.

Massive's right of course, the room is a huge factor. Take 'em into a gymnasium and then into a closet and you'll get a exaggerated room effect.

Personally, with a sub I like the 5" better than the 6"...but its splitting hairs and the music type is important. Heavy Bass? Heavy acousitc guitars? Yodelling? :p
Massive Master said:
I'd go listen to them.

Keeping in mind that any monitors are only going to sound as good as the room they're in allows them to.

Tottaly agreed.
"M-Audio BX5a 70 Watt Active Studio Monitors $300
Alesis Monitor 1 Active MKII Powered Monitors $300"

Both of these monitors would yeild good results. You probably would be better off listening to them but you can go with either one of these and im sure you will be happy and be able to do some better monitoring.

Who ever said that getting 300 dollar monitors wont fix translation issues that your having with logitech speakers is probably wrong. Just my input theres only one way to find out.