Terratec card and Sonar 2


New member
Is anyone using a Terratec audio card with Sonar 2? I got the EWX 2496. It's a nice card but I can't get below 30 ms latency. The company says it will get down to like 7ms. I have followed the "configuring for sonar" document and 30ms is the best I can do so far.

ANy thoughts, experiences, or ideas?

I put almost no faith in the numbers displayed by Sonar's 'profiling' tool, or the infamous slider. It's really more about finding the threshold. Sonar reports high numbers on my Delta 44 (95ms??!?) in WDM mode, while Reason reports 8ms in ASIO mode. I trust the Props guys a bit more on this. :)
What os are you running ?
If it's 98 you're stuck.The fast latency numbers for sonar are based on 2000/xp.
williamconifer said:
So is the reported latency of 95ms real? I mean do you notice it? jack

Ummm not really because I don't do the Soundfonts thing nor input monitoring. So I haven't really tried pushing it down to the breaking point because everything's working fine. I do all my midi & synth/sampler work in Reason.

acidrock's post is also relevant, what o/s are you using?
98se. Thinking about moving to 2k but one project at a time. hehe.

BTW, with my Terratec ewx2496 I can't seem to run any Native Instruments plugins without crashing my whole system. Either full lockup or blue screen. Very disturbing.

Um, I figured out why my latency sucked so bad. I had "always use MME" selected. I unselected it and I can bet 3ms that runs high in the CPU % but If I knock it down to 7 ms I get 18% on the CPU running the Audio & Midi demo file. This I can live with.

Glad to hear you found the silver bullet, it's always nice when the solution is a checkbox. :)
BTW, with my Terratec ewx2496 I can't seem to run any Native Instruments plugins without crashing my whole system. Either full lockup or blue screen. Very disturbing.
Hey hey hey... pay attention to this one, guys... I'm about to add Delta 44 right next to my SBLIVE!DE 5.1.
And since I love my Native Plugins, I don't wanna get in trouble with multi in/out card. Any suggestion ?
Regarding NI and blue screens of Death.

I was able to run the B4 DXi plugin in Sonar 2, without crashing. I didn't get a chance to try the FM7 or Pro52 though.

I have just reformatted an extra hard drive I have lying aroung and I am going to install Win2k on it and see how everything runs. I have this feeling that my Win98se os is getting a bit hankey and needs a fresh install so I'm going to put 2k on instead. You know how it goes, especially if you try alot of software. Sometimes it just best to wipe the slate clean.

I'll keep you updated.