tempo change?


New member
Im using the demo version of Ntrack and i want to change the tempo on a wave file i imported (drum track). Ive read the manual and tried what it says and the tempo wont change. Can this be done? Am i just having a brain fart and missing something little? Thanks for any help.
Hi J.

Sorry, but this is not possible with nTrack alone. You are, I assume trying to use a drum loop (meaning a wave file that is a measure or two in length)?
yeah, i was trying to use a drum loop and change it. Oh well, at least i wasnt just totally missing something i guess. Any ideas on programs that can do this?
You'll need to do either beat slicing, or use a program that stretches/compresses wave files to match a tempo.

Slicers are a little more complicated, and time-consuming, IMO, but offer far more control, and often better sound. Propellerhead's Recycle is absolutely amazing! The new 2.1 release also includes a lite version of their popular Reason software, which is pretty sweet at about $200. But for us budget-conscious folks who use nTrack, we mostly stick with freeware or cheapware.

In addition to nTrack, I also use Image Line's FLStudio Producer, which is a fun and powerful prog, and has slicing, but not nearly as good quality as Recycle.

Now, if you are just looking to sequence some drum loops and match them to tempo, and do it easily and inexpensively, your best bet is probably Acid. Go to
acidplanet and click on Acid Xpress in the upper right hand corner. This will be a 20MB or so download (hefty if you don't have broadband!) of a demo version of Acid. It is pretty easy to use, and if you like it you can upgrade to the Screenblast version for around $80. The features are on their website.

Or you can just do what I do from time to time, and use the free version of Acid to sequence a whole song of up to 10 tracks of drum loops. Then record the soundcard ouput manually to an old two-track reel-to-reel recorder (The major drawback to the free version is that it only exports to unusable bit rate Windows Media Audio). Then I record the whole thing back into nTrack (with the metronome off of course because those old beasts don't sync) and go from there!
im just wanting to sequence some loops and match them to tempo. Looks like Acid is they way to go for me. Let me seeif i got it straight though.....i would sequence in acid, save as a wav. file then import to Ntrack? I could do that if i bought a version and not w/ the demo? Am i right?
thanks for all the help. Im gonna look into Screenblast. It looks like the best route for me. thanks again!!!