Tell Me What You Think Of My Website


New member
Hi All,

I just made a webpage for the band I am in, and I wanted to get some feedback from all of you about it. How is the layout? Functionality? Look? What should I change?

I would appreciate any comments/suggestions.

Thanks A Lot,
It looks good overall. I like your logo. I would change the fonts on the songs to something like an Arial Black. That narrow font is an eyesore. And the *don't click this*........:rolleyes: Its funny...but...

And you bass player need a smaller Bass. Thast thing is bigger than he is :D

Looks good. Did you guys do everything yourself?
Hey, thanks for your response!

I'll change the font for the song titles...I guess I didn't realize it was a different font.

Ya...I do all the recording, mixing, etc.

Keep 'em coming!

Nice clean site. Loads quickly even on my dialup connection. I would do away with the "Enter" page though. Kind of '90 ish and doesn't add anything to your site. Good job. Did you do it with HTML or a web design program?

Thanks...I guess I should probably get rid of the enter page, doesn't serve any purpose.

I did it all in Macromedia Dreamweaver.

Thanks everyone for your replys!

Hey you site is really look nice now. Good work.

I have one more suggestion though. Two actually....

Get rid of the word "play" on the song listings since you already have a play button there. Second, make the "hifi" and "lowfi" texts also linkable to the music rather than just the play buttons.

You intro page looks sharp now that it is cleaned up to the essencials. :)