Telefunken M-80


New member
Telefunken is apparently in the process of releasing a dynamic performing mic that sounds quite interesting. Has a "high quality" output transformer by Tab-Funkenwerk. Sounds interesting enough that I'm gonna buy one "sight unheard" and give it a whirl.:D
Yes its good to see new mic products. Johesephson has a new interesting mic as well as Lewilson microphones
the frequency chart is kinda wacky. i wonder if it's the same transformer that t-funk makes for the sm57/58.
Yeah, I'm guessing that it might be, although I expect that Tab-Funkenwerk could as easily make a custom design for Telefunken as generate a trafo for the SM57 and 58. At some point, I expect that someone will do a comparison with these mics.
I'm sensing a pattern here. M-16, M-80... let's see... I'll take "Things illegal to sell to civilians" for a hundred, Alex. Either that or "Weapons and explosives" for two-hundred....