Tears for You


New member

i spent about a day and a half writing this song for a special girl. this song is also the first song i have written in 5 years... i felt compelled to do it.

i'm not looking for any criticism... i just want to share this song with you folks. i do realize there's way too much noise, but that's okay for now... it's the song that matters.


download: Tears for You


Very nice indeed. The song is quite honest and you’ve captured the mood perfectly. Improving upon the soundtrack would simply make it more dramatic. Don’t wait five more years to write another.

Better yet, write more happy songs and you’ll get more girls.

Keep up the good work and thanks for the unique contribution.
thanks guys.... i will always have this song.

heh he... i bet we all have written a song or two for girls at one point in our lives. it's quite a special thing.
may i ask what you played it on?
a bosendofer ;)
Wow, nice performance.

you know, it took me longer to type the notes out and print them than to write the dang song! (2 days compared to 1.5) Still can't figure out how to do some stuff in Finale. anyway, i just got the printe sheets from Kinko's back. looks good... but the lady there screwed up my paper choices... but it's okay cause they charged me 1/2 as much by accident. :D

gonna give the finished product to the girl soon i hope. ;)

OH!--by the way, when you guys play this song, make sure it's at a decent volume. this ain't no Yanni piece. and i do get the piano to roar at places. just sounds lame played soft.
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