
Give that sucker a rest and load up on the ibuprofen.... Sorry to hear it, Bro, but don't push it - let it heal.
Soak your hands in very warm water.My fingers hurt all the time but thats not an excuse not to play!:p
Kramer said:
Soak your hands in very warm water.My fingers hurt all the time but thats not an excuse not to play!:p

That's kinda like telling a person with a broken leg to stop being a pussy and walk it off. Here's a quote from a WebMD article:

Returning too soon to the activity that caused the injury can lead to chronic tendinitis or torn tendons.

That means no more guitar ever if he pushes it. Great advice.

Here's the whole thing if you're interested, Bass Freak:

Awe Freak, that does truly suck. Start chewing on some of those anti-inflammatries and work on the stuff you've been neglecting for awhile so it can heal. If you persist itll just stay crappy and itll be more frustrating in the long run. Write some songs or sort out your studio or something. Drinks lots of beer. Do whatever it is that men do (I'm not sure what that is...sit around scratching yourself and watching sport on tv...?)

Just think of it as a vacation for your fingers. Hope ya feel better.
i got to wear a wrist brace...

dont need to switch hands for the JOin', got the girlfriend :D

im on pain pills and cut the pain and the swelling.

um what else.

it hurts even to just move my fingers to play my bass. man this sucks. i hate it....:(
