teac 3340 or tascam tsr-8


New member
Ive got a chance to buy one of these units and I'm sort of stumped as to what I should do. I don't have any experience recording on to tape and I figure one of these would be cool to learn on. Although I'm hoping to learn I also want whichever one sounds better. I think i can get the 3340 for about $250-$300 and the TSR-8 for $350-$400. Both are in great condition. Based on price and sound quality which one would you guys buy? Thanks for any suggestions.
TASCAM TSR-8 definitely. If you have a choice between two machines that are in excellent condition the TSR-8 is so far ahead of the 3340 in sound and features, there's no contest.

On the other hand if you just want an old classic for some reason there are more things to consider than just sound quality.

I suppose if there isnt much of a difference in price, you might as well go for an 8 track instead of a 4 track.

But I wouldnt dismiss the 3340 entirely. Even better, the A-3440.
The TSR-8 might be more advanced, as one would expect given it was manufactured a decade later, but its my understanding that the older models were built better. For example, I think the A-3440 is built to a higher standard than a Tascam 34 (and looks classier too).
I really like my 3440 and plan to keep it for a long time to come.

I also have a Tascam 48 which came out before the TSR-8. The 48 is built like a tank and quite a machine.



Keep in mind that which-ever deck you pick, you're also going to need a mixer, cables, blank tapes and some outboard gear like a compressor, gates, reverb...stuff like that.

It's definitely fun to record in analog but it's a bit messier and hands on so be prepared and also budget for the other gear to make a workable set up.

and about choosing the recorder; Though the older decks have a certain romance and style to their design, the newer decks will generally be less troublesome; though with used gear, there are no guarantees.

Learn first what to look for before you buy. Do some research here reading older posts about picking a recorder, what features and layouts of mixers are right for your needs, basic maintenance and stuff like that.

Measure twice, cut once. :cool:

Cheers! :)

keep in mind that the tsr-8 is really heavy... don't get it shipped cause it will arrived mangled, for sure... look locally... it's the only way.