Taxi, Tonos... anybody?

Zombie King

New member
I have a buddy who joined Taxi shortly after we met. He's enjoyed a fair amount of success with them and continues to get work (lots of it) through the connections he made there.

I have another "aquaintance" who is extremely talented yet, hasn't gotten so much as a peep out of Taxi.

Are these services worthwhile? Have YOU had any success with them?

Can you recommend a similar site or service? Tonos?

Thanks in advance...

The Taxi issue comes up all the time - Do a search and you will get many opinions - mostly negative.

However, as I've indicated before, one writer in particular that I work with (I arrange, engineer, produce and occasionally suggest a bridge, etc.) has had reasonable success with Taxi.

What is reasonable? We (I say we, since he offers me partial credit for my contributions - he is the actual Taxi member - and he sends out the demos, etc.)) have been published a few times and placed a few times and collected song royalties a few times (got one song in a movie).

The real value of Taxi is that it may get you access to a publisher that you would normally get at. Once you have a foot in the door, other doors may open.

The limitation of Taxi is that they are looking for and will only pass through material that they feel meets specific "formulas'. So you really need a well crafted and very commerically viable song to get past the initial screening.

I don't know if I would pay the fee, but this guy has certainly gotten a reasonable return on his investment. But, and this is a big but, he is relentless - he is constantly writing and constantly networking. I truly think he will one day get a "hit" not because he is a remarkable writer but because he simply won't give up - he even works a second job just to have money to record and mail out his demo's - and that is what it takes to succeed.