Tascam's Pre-amps


New member
Does anyone have any information on Tascams pre-amps?
Are they any good?

At present I am running mics into my Tascam 424 MKIII then to the computer. Using the 424 as a mixer when I want to computer record.
Should I buy a separate pre-amp?

:cool: Pre amps on a porta- are not as good as an outboard unit.
If you are using a high end sound card in computer, I would buy a good rackmount pre.,
The pre's on a Porta- are good enough for the recorder that they are with........
How good is your computers recording abilities IE, how good is sound card????

:cool: Thanks: after looking at specs for your software, the DMP-3 would be a good addition to your setup, It's only 2 channel whereas your 424 had more, do you record more than 2 channels at a time? If not the DMP-3 would be sweet!!

Oops, yes its neccessary if you want to use condensors, or plug balanced mics in direct.......

Thank you !

I think I will pick up a DMP-3.
I've read that they can be had for around 119.00 at GC but the cheapest I've found them is 159.00.
I tried "bargaining" with the jerk at GC but he looked at me as though I was a moron. The feeling is mutual I guess.

Thanks Mutt !

Oh, by the way...is there any way to hook up a DMP-3 and still be able to use the Tascam for the mixing capabilities?
(i.e. Tascam>Dmp-3> soundcard) and then plug the mic into the DMP-3?
:cool: I would use the DMP instead of the 424, the pre's are much better......

(i.e. Tascam>Dmp-3> soundcard) and then plug the mic into the DMP-3? I'm not sure what you mean here, In series or parallel with both units?

muttley said:
:cool: I would use the DMP instead of the 424, the pre's are much better......

(i.e. Tascam>Dmp-3> soundcard) and then plug the mic into the DMP-3? I'm not sure what you mean here, In series or parallel with both units?

Guess "I" don't know what I mean either.
I was hoping to be able to continue use of the Tascam also in addition to the DMP.
I guess I will have to say goodbye to it for computer recording anyway. "But there's always analog to do"
:cool: If you have the money, a good line mixer will let you use both, send the outs of the DMP and the outs of 424 into line mixer,premix into stereo, then the outs into AP2496. The line mixer would have to have as good of specs as the DMP, or the sonic quality of DMP will be lost.......

This would allow you to use both.......

statecap said:
Does anyone have any information on Tascams pre-amps?
Are they any good?

At present I am running mics into my Tascam 424 MKIII then to the computer. Using the 424 as a mixer when I want to computer record.
Should I buy a separate pre-amp?


The 424mkIII's preamps are sh*t to be perfectly honest. (The mixer is pretty bad sounding too with early distortion).
