TASCAM Wallpaper

I was hunting around the web earlier today to see if there were any decent pics out there of the 134, the newer brother of the 234 with a lot of the design-think of the 238. Anyway, there's virtually nothing out there picture wise but then remembered I had an old press kit shot of one but it had badly corrupted color balance to it so it needed a lot of work to get the right colors back to the knobs and level displays.

Anyway, her she be...

View attachment 87654

right click to download.

Cheers! :)
Thanks to Audiofanzine for supplying a base image of the M-224 that was decent enough to transform into a wallpaper. Don't know who supplied that original image to them but hopefully they'll approve...

View attachment 87674

right click to download...

Cheers! :)
I did a wallpaper of the 42B a couple of years back but wasn't completely happy with it because the original file was a bit on the small side and also had some color fidelity issues. So, I was hunting around for a better, higher resolution image and came across one that much better in those regards but was missing the head cover, part of the brown transport cover plate and had some mismatched reels on it. So, a fair bit of work was required to address all those issues and by making use of 6 additional images of the components, I pieced together this new rendering which I believe is a bit nicer then my previous effort.

Anyway, here she be...

View attachment 87934

right click to download...

Cheers! :)
Amazing work, Jeff...amazing.

Nice lookin machine too.

This is a really rich thread.
Thanks, Cory! :)

I've always had a not so secret lust for the 42 and would have been my first choice as a mastering deuce but never found one in my area within my budget when I would have used it.

Cheers! :)

Its gonna be messy when you try to spool a 14" reel's worth of tape onto one 10.5" reel...and just how *does* one thread tape from the middle of the tape pack there on the supply side?

Did I miss anything?

That was fun! :D

Its gonna be messy when you try to spool a 14" reel's worth of tape onto one 10.5" reel...and just how *does* one thread tape from the middle of the tape pack there on the supply side?

Did I miss anything?

That was fun! :D

You've got a sharp eye but you're still missed a couple of other changes...and now that I think about it, it still needs one more missing component on the deck!! Figure that one out and I'll add it in! ;)

Cheers! :)
I'm starting to run out of classic tascam pieces to work on, so for now, I'm going to start adding some classic analog gear from the 60's and 70's!

If there's a piece of gear you like to see added here, please speak up and especially so if you own said piece so that we can get some images directly taken by the good membership here.

Anyway, I was hunting around for some classic Urei gear and as usual, most of the images out there are pretty poor. So this one is a composite of several different images of the 1178 dual peak limiter...enjoy!

View attachment 87994

right click to save...

Cheers! :)