Tascam US-428


New member
How does this thing work??
Is it just a mixer that controls software??

cani use it with anysoftware??
I'm using Logic Audio and SawPlus 32 will this thing work with that software or does it come with its own?

I'm looking for a mixer board thing that connects to my computer and controls the software

I think roland has something like this

I hate to sound like a total Newbie but I'm really getting into recording now and i'd like to find out all the info i can

thanks in advance to anyone that can help me

The US-428 is a hardware surface that controls the software's mixer. I'm not sure if it works with Logic, though I would assume that it does. Most mixer control surfaces use simple MIDI commands to control the software so they are pretty universal.

It comes with Cubasis- a stripped down version of Cubase that you probably won't like if you are used to Logic. I used it for a little while then upgraded to Cubase. Much better.

It also gives you 4 inputs via the USB interface. It may have more features than you need. I think there are other control surfaces that only control the mixer- they might be less expensive if you don't need the other features of the US-428

Have fun,