Blak Jak Balla

New member
So I bought the Tascam US-122 because I am new to computer recording and thought it might be the easiest way to get started. I have used Tascam stuff in the past and have always enjoyed it. I have a problem though, and I hope some of you might be able to help me!

When I record, the audio seems to skip, or lose tempo, or cut out for a split second or so, throwing off everything and getting things off tempo. Why does it do this? It's like the USB signal gets lost or something for a split second, but it makes the recording totally worthless. Could anyone PLEASE tell me what I am doing wrong? It happens with the included Cubasis software, and it also happens with an older version of Magix Studio that I bought a long time ago. I'm getting really discouraged and disappointed as I REALLY want this thing to work. I'm desperate for any good advice anyone might be able to give.

Thank you in advance!
I do not own the US-122, so I probably can't help, but I would first check the USB cable. If you've got another cable, try that. If the cable is defective, or is not properly secured I would think you might get results like you are hearing.
I don't know if that is the problem or not. I doubt it, the unit is only a few days old and I bought it brand new. Maybe I am not doing a good job of describing the problem.....I'll try to be more detailed.

In cubasis, when I try to record the first track, I am using a Boss BR-550 drum machine. There is a steady strong signal from it, and when I record in Cubasis, it seems to be getting the signal just fine. When I play the track back, however, it seems to get off tempo, or skip just slightly, as I tried to describe before. It is not the steady recording I used to get when recording on my old analog 4 track. There are little jumps and glitches every so often that make the final product totally unusable. I thought it might have been a software problem with Cubasis, but when I tried it in Magix it did the same thing.

I am using an E-machine T1105 running WIndows XP with an Intel Celeron processor running 1.0 ghz. I have plenty of memory and disk space. I have tried optimizing the computer per Tascam instructions, thinking maybe it was running too slow or something, but that did not help. I have disabled all background running programs and everything else I can think of. I am no expert at this sort of thing, but I have done everything I can think of at this point. I'm hoping someone here will have the answer! I'm really at your mercy.

Thanks again!
I would suggest reading the threads on the US-428. My hunch is that you need to install the Windows patch.

I have the US-428, and I had all kinds of grief with drop-outs, stuttering, etc. After I downloaded the patch, everything is synched and working fine.

I do hope this helps.

The problem is for people with older Windows XP without the service pack 1 from Microsoft. There is a conflict. After installing the service pack and optimizing the system for recording purposes it seems to work just fine. Trust me, it was worthless before the fix.

Now I have an incredibly basic question about how to record 2 sources at once with the US-122 and the bundled Cubasis software that nobody seems to be able to answer on the Cubase forum.

How do I record a mic for voice and a seperate acoustic guitar track at the same time with this configuration? This seems like it should be so simple, yet without any Cubasis manual included with the US-122 I can't seem to make it happen. I don't want to record one track at a time. That's not what I bought this thing for. I hope like hell I didn't buy something that isn't capable of recording two tracks at the same time.
hey blak jak, i too am using XP and am about to but the Tascam us-122 and i was wandering where u get the windows patch from .
i know i'll need the patch cause my computer is having some internet problems but i need to know if the patch is from microsoft cause any microsoft webpage won't work for some reason on my computer . sorry to bore u with that, anyways....

It's called Service Pack 1 or something like that and I downloaded it off of the Microsoft web page. It's a pretty big file, took me about 90 minutes to download using dial up.