Tascam PortaStudio 05 - 4 Track cassette recorder/mixer


New member
Hi just wondering if anyones got anything to say about these items. I'm thinking about possibly buying one. Good comments/bad comments whatever really. Obviously I'm just starting out so I don't really want anything too technical!
keep on trackin'

They're okay. Nothing really special, in the realm of 4 track cassette recording, Tascam is always pretty alright, I had one and recorded on it. You can only record two tracks at a time but it does have built in DBX. If you can get it cheap go ahead and do it, but if it's even slightly up there, buy something else like the original early 80s eight tracks. I ran across this: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7397124322&rd=1&sspagename=STRK:MEWA:IT&rd=1 today and if I was just starting, I would throw down the $70 (shipped to your door) to get this neat little Fostex with a bunch of cables. Even includes tapes.
