Tascam Model 15 Console


New member
I have a chance to pick up a Tascam Model 15 Analog Console (16 Channels, 8 buss) in excellent condition for around $300. Included are 8 channel strip modules to expand to 24 channels. as well as a spare studio module and talkbalk module. I was just wondering if anyone has had experience with these and whether it seems like a good deal.
I had one. Nice board. Eq is a bit limited but still useful. It is very easy to hot-rod as it is fully modular. Lots of patching options. $300 is a very good price in my book.
Tascam M-15 Console

I had one and used it for a couple of years. 24 chaneels 8 buss. Fun board very big and heavy! Great price go and get it.