Tascam - MIDI issues


New member
Hey all :)

I just bought a MIDI cable to my keyboard and Tascam US800 inteface yesterday and I'm really like what I can do with it, when it works. I've been running into some issues with MIDI, but I'm not sure where the problem lies. I have a keyboard hooked up to a Tascam US800 audio interface and I'm using Cubase LE 5 as my DAW. My problem is either that Cubase LE 5 or the tascam product isn't picking up the MIDI signal. When all is hooked up and and I press keys on the keyboard Cubase doesn't get anything. In hopes of making things work by turning the tascam on before the laptop the laptop doesn't regognize the tascam when I stat Cubase. I can't seem to diagnose the issue. I have the latest tascam drivers installed, is that's important to know.

Thanks in advanced for any help you can give?
Did you setup the keyboard in your computer?

Does your keyboard have USB?
If so, why not just use that?
Did you set up the MIDI signal in the Tascam mixer software to route to the computer? Do you have a VSTi (virtual instrument) plugged into the armed track?
I do have VSTi's that I'm using and when the setup did work I used them. How would one set up the MIDI signal to route to the Computer?
You need to enable your MIDI device in your DAW. Look to the Cubase manual for instruction. I do not use MIDI devices enough myself, to give step by step instructions. Your interface has nothing to do with the connection, other than transfer of the MIDI to USB.
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Guess I'll have to get my keyboard hooked up and find out how! Took me a while to figure out how to set the Audio device settings in Reaper to get the signal into it.
That would be great if you could test that out mjbphotos :) I just can't seem to find the problem. When I hooked my SM57 mic up Cubase recognized it perfectly, but the MIDI seems to be a different story..