Tascam m-520 aux monitor with HA8000


New member
maybe a dumb question but right now I have a tascam M520 - > aux out 1 -> behringer ha 8000 direct in. The signal is very very quiet. When I go into the main in of the behringer, (or direct in) from the stereo master B, I get the proper volume.

It was my understanding you can use the 4 auxiliary outs pre fader to get four individual aux sends while tracking and the behringer headphone amp powers this signal? Or is monitoring for the talent only supposed to come from the stereo master B channel

Any help is appreciated.
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I'm assuming the 520 has both input trim and aux master out controls. Initial individual input pre fader gain to the aux rail is dependent on where the input trim is set. Final output gain for everything sent to a given aux bus will depend on that aux master's out setting.
I'm assuming the 520 has both input trim and aux master out controls. Initial individual input pre fader gain to the aux rail is dependent on where the input trim is set. Final output gain for everything sent to a given aux bus will depend on that aux master's out setting.

So the only way to Properly To send an aux mix to talent is through the stereo master B? That’s where you can monitor the aux bus.
Are you saying there are no aux masters on your board?

there is only an aux out. The auxiliary bus is monitored via the main stereo master A or B.

I’m taking that aux out and plugging it into the headphone source input and the signal is super quiet. The manual for the console says that these aux outs are -10db consumer line level outputs
I see 4 stereo aux outs on the back of that 520. A quick look at an online manual shows master faders for them. Have you read the manual?
Yes I have the manual and have read the aux section. That’s what I’m saying haha, I thought it worked just like that. Those faders were all the way up. Everything on 11 (lol)
I see 4 stereo aux outs on the back of that 520. A quick look at an online manual shows master faders for them. Have you read the manual?
So for instance, guitar on channel four, aux 1 gain turned all the way up, aux set to pre fader, aux 1 master fader turned all the way up, aux out 1 to the headphone amp input and again everything turned all the way up. Very very faint signal from the headphone amp output.

I know the headphone amp is working because when I substitute this signal with the main stereo master output with the same cable, I get the proper signal.
Where are your input trims? Have you tried connecting the aux outs to a something other than the Behringer? Does the Behringer have an input sensitivity switch?