Tascam DP-24 - any samples?


New member
Hi All,

I'm in the process of upgrading my home studio and I'm pretty close to pulling the trigger on a DP-24. Just wondering if anyone has any samples of recordings on youtube or your own website that were done on a DP24. I'd like to hear some results before making a final call.

Thanks in advance!
Hi Again,

One more question. Does anyone know specifically what memory is called on for this unit? I know that is needs to be a Class 10 device, but will it make a difference if you get the 45MB/s card versus the 95MB/s (read/write speed)? The 95's are more than twice the price so curious if it makes any difference when it's used for this purpose.

Also, regarding the recording samples, no need for anything to be finished/perfect. Just a couple tracks to get a feel for what to expect would be great.

Thanks again
Do yourself a favor and get you a 2488 NEO with the 160GB hard drive built into it ;)
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I was thinking about it, but was scared away by the reports of "playtoyish" trim pots... :D

hahah ...well really its not that big of a deal if you "baby" em like most small recorders anyhow but beleive me you would love it !!:guitar:
Hi All,

I'm in the process of upgrading my home studio and I'm pretty close to pulling the trigger on a DP-24. Just wondering if anyone has any samples of recordings on youtube or your own website that were done on a DP24. I'd like to hear some results before making a final call.

Thanks in advance!

Here are some recording-samples of the dp-24. There you can also search for other machines.

Search Tracks on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free

Regards Pitti
I decided to pull the trigger. Now I just need to anxiously wait for the shipping.

Looking forward to getting up and running and will likely be back with more questions.