Tascam DP-02...I need recording help!


New member
Well I bought this Tascam DP-02 to try and keep my recording easy(or so I hoped). I just opened the manual and started to follow the instructions to get this thing going. I've already run into issues. What I need is some easy steps to follow. The manaual is pretty easy to follow but I'm a complete idiot at this stuff! I can play almost any instrument but have trouble reading and applying almost everything. If anyone can supply me with a 1...2...3 step process on recording I'd really appreciate it! Hell if you are in the Atlanta area I'll even pay you to come show me how to use this thing. Hooked up to the DP-02 I have a Yamaha CS1X, Boss DR-660 and of course my guitars. Now I just need someone to teach me how to use it. Thank you for anything you can suggest!
Welcome to the DP-02 brotherhood.:p

Before we try to go on a step by step basis, tell us where you get lost at? How far do you get before you either get confused or can't figure something out?

The overall process is:

1) Create partitions on the drive (hard drive if you are using the non "CF" model). You only need to do this once, not every time you use it or for every song.

2) Create a "song" on the recorder with the menus.

3) assign inputs 1 and 2 to the tracks you want to record on

4) "Arm" the tracks you will be recording on

5) adjust your trim and input levels, making sure not to peak out the meter. If you have the desired tracks armed, you should see the levels jumping up and down on the designated channels as well as the master channels.

6) Press play and record simultaneously and play away.

7) Stop when finished. Disengage the "arming" on the tracks, so as to not accidentally record over them. Hold down "Stop" while pressing the "rewind" button to go back to the beginning. Hit play and listen away.

8) If you like the way everything sounds when you have finished recording the project, enter the "Mastering" mode, adjust your levels and panning, and let 'er rip.

9) You can export the mastered song to a PC, as well as individual tracks (for further processing if desired). It's a little tricky, but we'll cross that bridge when you get there.

That's pretty much it in a nutshell. Now, which part are you stuck at?
DP 02 Quick start guide

Here's a quick start guide I found on another forum...It might be a little messy as I had to convert it from .pdf to word.... stick w/ it, it's a great system and you'll love it once you get over the initial learning curve
I hope it helps


  • Dp 02 Quick Start.doc
    45 KB · Views: 124
I agree with the above posts. The DP-02 is a great system.

I, too, had a slow start, but once you're comfortable with the sequence of steps, you'll start expanding and experimenting with what the unit can do.

I also have found that the TASCAM operation support has always been VERY helpful and patient when I've called them at 323-727-7617 press 3
in California.

Good luck.:)
Help with recording beats the DP-02 made with a Boss DR-660 drum machine

Along with trying to learn how to use my Tascam DP-02 I am also trying to figure out how to use a Boss Dr-660 drum machine. I'm slowly getting the DP-02 and can finally record tracks and master them ( I have yet to discover all this thing can do), but I am totally lost with this Boss DR-660. I need to know how to make and record beats on the 660 so I can record them on my DP-02. Can anyone help me with some easy to follow steps, please??? The manual for the DR-660 has not helped me one bit!
DP02 FAQ doc

Many thanks for this very helpful doc.

Just got the DP02 and this is just what I need to speed up getting started with it.

I reformatted it in Word and thought I would upload the new formatted version.

All the best



  • Dp 02 Quick Start.doc
    51 KB · Views: 82