Tascam DP-01FX/CD HELP


New member
Do any of you have the Tascam DP-01FX recorder, Art Tube MP, or the MXL 990 mic? I have them on order and would like some advice on whether you like or dislike this set up and why. I am starting to put together my FIRST home studio for my personal usage only. I play guitar, keyboards, bass, and do some singing. I tried the Tascam forum at this site and have gotten NO response. Surely someone out there has used these items and could tell me about them good or bad. Thanks
Well im a noob at this recording too but i have the tascam dp 01fx its a pretty good little machine for basic recording. I dislike the screen on it as its not backlit and quite hard to see. I mainly use it to record then transfer to my computer and use reaper to mix. The fx on it are pretty decent. I havent used all te features but all in all i like it and serves my purpose well.
I use the DP01FX/CD. I used to borrow it instead of using my DP008, but I just traded a mini amp and shit guitar to own it. I have been using it since november. I don't like the effects in-line I only use the reverb send, I have better amp sim on my guitar pedal and modelling amp, and prefer to do my vocal processing after tracking, not before. All in all though, it works for me. It works just fine if you have some peripherals. I have an external guitar multi-effect, compressor, and small mixer (for drum mics to mix into). The USB is really easy to figure out just keep the book handy, but I didn't have any trouble dropping files onto and pulling off of a computer. takes several minutes, but meh, whatever.

I wish it had more inputs and more simultaneous recording, but then it would have cost a lot, so getting an outboard mixer for extra inputs was pretty high up on the priority list for me.