Tascam DA-30


New member
I just got this item used for my studio as another device to store sound. Stupid question, does this device use regular DAT tapes? I put one in and it seems smaller then the carrier size on the deck. It keeps spitting them out. Can someone verify what tapes fit this device and is there a web site where I can download a manual for it. Thanks and I look forward to contribute in other areas on this board.
OregonTom said:
I just got this item used for my studio as another device to store sound. Stupid question, does this device use regular DAT tapes? I put one in and it seems smaller then the carrier size on the deck. It keeps spitting them out. Can someone verify what tapes fit this device and is there a web site where I can download a manual for it. Thanks and I look forward to contribute in other areas on this board.
Yup, it uses regular DAT tapes.
And keep in mind that it (A) doesn't have the resolution that you can have from straight PCM data (it's only a 16-bit unit), (B) it has much less than stellar-sounding converters (especially if it's not the MkII, although the MkII's aren't anything to write home about either) and (C) DAT tapes don't have nearly the archival quality as high-quality CD-R stock.

It's old, it's obsolete. I have one here for "old" jobs that come in. Other than that, it collects dust.
Obsolete Indeed

I heed all your comments, I have it in here for client a client request. Thought it may be a low tech tool for distribution for some lower budget clients. But currently it is spitting out after tape insertion every audio dat I put into it into it and I do not know why. Thanks for all the comments.