Tascam 464

happy hour

New member

I've been looking into buying a 464 on e-bay recently. They seem to be a really good unit but not having much information on them I can't really tell.
Are these good units? Is there something better for around the same price? I was looking at the 488 but won't squeezing 8 tracks on a tape sacrifice quality?

Thanks in advance for any answers you can give me!

I can totally vouch for the 464. I literally wore mine out. I've had it rebuilt a few times. I learned on this machine and its still carrying me thru. I bought a 424 mk111 recently and am quite happy. If you're looking for a used unit, I'd concentrate on the 424 mk11. A lot of people are "upgrading to the mk111, but actually the mk11 is still the measuring post for 4 track, in my opinion
Best regards, Ron