Tascam 424mk111 recording drums


New member
Hi everyone!!I have already said in a past thread I am recording my band on my Tascam 424mk 111 portastudio next year, I have a question, I am thinking about recording on DIRECT...miking the guitar combo to track 1, I will probably DI the bass to track 3, mic the Kit to track 2 leaving track 4 for the vocal.......my question is ....... if I put the drums onto track 2 ...with one mic , could I also place a second mic into channel 6 , switch the Input switch to channel 2 , and pan right , would this record the mic in channel 6 to channel 2 ?.... as well as the mic in channel 2? ...effectively recording the drums with 2 mics to a single track? [track 2]

Thats what those extra channels are for.You could mic up the bass drum with this spare channel and assign it to track 2.
So...YES! You could actually use 3 mics by using channel 5 too.
Yes, and No!

Yes, you can do basically what you want, but no, it's not exactly as you described.

I'm not sure why you'd want drums on Track 2, but it's neither here nor there.

Let's say the tracks lay out like this on the tape: (my version for this illustration):
Track 1: Guitar
Track 2: Bass
Track 3: Vocal
Track 4: Drums
Channel 1: Mic or DI your guitar, Track 1 Rec Funct switched to DIRECT
Channel 2: DI or plug in your bass, Track 2 Rec Funct switched to DIRECT
Channel 3: Mic the PA or plug vocal mic directly into the board, Track 3 switched to DIRECT
Channel 4: Kick Mic plugged directly into the board, Track 4 Rec Funct switched to BUSS R
Channel 6: Overhead mic (on 1/4" plug),... which routes signal directly to BUSS R
PAN Channels 1, 2 & 3 to BUSS L
PAN Channel 4 to BUSS R
This records DIRECT mode on Tracks 1, 2 & 3 from Channels 1, 2 & 3, respectively.
This records in BUSS mode on Track 4 from Channels 4 & 6, combined.
Panning 1, 2 & 3 Hard Left and 4 Hard right keeps all non-drums signals off Buss R.
(You could even input a 3rd drum mic into Input 8, but it would combine on BUSS R with 4 & 6, and therefore might be superfluous.

You can mix & match these tracks according to your wishes. My track arrangement was devised to keep the example as simple and clear as possible. All you really need to know is to Pan all your Direct Mode channels (1-3) to the opposite side of your Buss Mode channels (in this case 4/6).

This leads to a quick caveat of something I mentioned in another thread. PAN control has no effect on DIRECT Mode recording onto tape, itself, but the Pan does affect how the channels feed to the Buss L/R, and so channels intended for Direct Mode recording could also affect the Buss L or R, if you're combining Direct and Buss Mode recording simultaneously.

I hope that's clear and not confusing.

The thing about using Channel 6 and switching it to "2" actually takes whatever is plugged into the XLR from Channel 2 and "borrows" (moves it) to 6, which SOUNDS like it should work,... but I'm not sure it actually would. For one, the manual states not to plug something into the 1/4" and XLR inputs simultaneously on any channel. This may set up an impedance mismatch. ALSO, I don't believe when you plug into the 1/4" and XLR mic input on any channel simultaneously, that the 1/4" and XLR are separate, but instead the signals get combined. SO, if you think you'll plug your bass on 1/4" into Channel 2, and a drum mic into the XLR on Channel 2, then to "borrow" the #2 XLR over to Channel 6,... then I believe the bass signal and drum mic signal may be combined and routed over to 6. HOWEVER, this is my understanding and could bear out some experimentation. When all else fails, use 5/6/7 or 8 inputs on 1/4" plugs, just to keep it all simple and straight forward.


I've covered a lot of ground and tips on this one scenario.
(but I think I understand the 424mkIII well enough to shoot from the hip on this one!)

Wow Thank you again!!!!!! I shall deffo do it like you say....I have used my 424mk3 for quite a while now [3 or 4 years ] I know my way round it pretty much, but have never recorded live yet , I normally record as follows....Guitar DI to channel 1 from a Behringer guitar processor, Electric drum kit to channel 2 , bass Di to 3 , vocals to 4 , then bounce the bass onto the drum track leaving track 3 for guitar overdubs

This time I am micing the guitar and a standard drum kit , in a dead sounding rehearsal studio, prob DI the bass and vocals as you say straight into the board , I can add reverb at mixdown using the send/return method.then to Audacity on my PC

Also Just a quickie , I have just acquired a very clean all operating Tascam 464, it seems very similar in the way it works to the 424mk111 [it suffers from the dreaded no manual syndrome] have you had any experience of this type of machine ?

Thanks again for your information
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You can record the drums to Track 2 & it doesn't change the scenario I described too much. I just needed to illustrate the example by putting drums on Track 4. The main point would be to pan any Direct Mode channels away from any other Buss Mode channels, and you're good.

The 464 is structured and works almost identically to the 424mkIII. It should take you about 2 seconds to master it.
