Tascam 388?


New member
I've been looking at a Tascam 388, and this guy says it's in good condition. Even if I want to go check it out I still wouldn't know it was fine or not. This would be my first reel to reel...........He asked me to give him an offer, what's reasonable?
I just picked one up for $450.

It was in immaculate condition, and I considered it a steal at that price.

Good luck,

IF you can go look at it and see it work your are way ahead of the game from not having to deal with ebay and what United parcel service ( ups ) would do to it when it gets shipped. THe odds of them getting a recorder to you that they dont break or destroy is a miracle.

Check it out the best you can, Record on all channels and play them all back. See if he has something recorded you can listen to.
If he has the manual that is a big plus and is needed on this recorder. If he doesnt have one Tascam will send you one for about 30.00 total, But its worth it.
Its a nice piece of gear to own, I wouldnt trade mine for the world.
As far as what to offer him I would start at 300.00 or less and see what happens. You can always go up in price but never down. If its in good shape I would go as high as 600.00

Good luck

Analog is the best!
how many simul tracks

Hi, quick question referring to this unit while we're on the subject. Many people have different answers for this, how many tracks can the 388 record simultaneously? The manual says its a 8X8X2 but almost everyone I've talked to says that it can only record 4 tracks at one time. If anyone has owned one of these units and DEFINITELY knows the answer, I'd love to know. Thanks!
Your friends are mistaken (maybe they're getting the 388 and the 488 mixed up), it can record on all 8 tracks at once. You simply arm all the tracks using the Rec Function buttons and then use the Buss Assign switches and the Pan controls to send each Mixer Channel to a Track (so, forex, if you wanted to record the output of Channel 1 on Track 1 you'd depress the Buss Assign button in the Channel 1 strip labelled 1/2, turn the Pan control fully left and then depress Rec Function switch #1. To record the output of Channel 2 on Track 2 you'd simply do the same thing, except for using the 1/2 Buss Assign button in the #2 Channel Strip, panning right and depressing Rec Function switch 2).

ALSO: by using a combination of Buss Assign switches and Pan Controls you can put as many instruments onto as many tracks as you like. Useful for when you want to lay down a multimiked drum kit to a few tracks (say one to four), or when you want to combine a miked and direct guitar or bass on one track.

A 388 Owner :cool: