tascam 388 troubles.


New member
i think i somehow fried channel 1 on my 388. neither the mic in or line in are working. i'm able to playback on channel one, and record to channel 1, if i use a different channel and route it to 1. when i use the mic/line/rmx switch on channel one it clicks, and the VU's peg, and then nothing happens. any suggestions on how to fix this? is it the physical jack, or did it blow a capacitor? i was tube rolling a pre on channel 1, and somehow me shutting the pre down and powering it back up several times caused this problem. help. :confused:
thegunshyboy said:
i think i somehow fried channel 1 on my 388. neither the mic in or line in are working. i'm able to playback on channel one, and record to channel 1, if i use a different channel and route it to 1. when i use the mic/line/rmx switch on channel one it clicks, and the VU's peg, and then nothing happens. any suggestions on how to fix this? is it the physical jack, or did it blow a capacitor? i was tube rolling a pre on channel 1, and somehow me shutting the pre down and powering it back up several times caused this problem. help. :confused:

What is "tube rolling a pre"?

You didn't blo a cap but you may have fried an op-amp. What was plugged in?
changing the tubes in a pre = tube rolling. why? i don't know. i just heard it referred to as that. it was the EH 12ay7 pre i had plugged in. how can you tell if an op-amp is blown? where would it be located?
I know this is the Tascam forum, but it seems like most of Tascam's users hang out in the "Analog Only" forum at the bottom of the page. Ask this question there, or do a search of all forums for Tascam 388. Good luck.