Tascam 388 outboard effects


If I want to use an outboard compressor and reverb how to I route it so that the amount of the effect is determined by the eff. knob on each individual channel? I want to use the effect on only particular channels during mixdown.
A compressor is usually inserted into a channel.And reverb is best routed through the eff snd/rcv.
Attach a cable from the eff snd of the 388 to the input of the reverb unit,and a cable from the output of the reverb to the eff return of the 388.Now you can use the effect knob to mix in the amount of reverb you like to all channels.
For compressors....cable from the snd jack on what ever channel of the 388 you want effected to the input of the compressor.Output of the compressor to rcv jack of the same channel.Now that channel is totally effected with compression.No need to use effects knob for compression.
Ya my question was badly worded. Is there a way to patch several channels at once into a single in/out compressor - an over easy comp - so that the 2 channels I have for drums can be compressed simultaneously?
Not sure about that.
I guess you could just route the compressor through the Aux loop and just crank the aux knobs fully open on the tracks you want
I can't imagine that'll sound good. What about a Y cable, 2 coming from the outs to the compressor, and 2 going back in. Obviously the compression would be the same for both tracks, but...?
I'll re-word the question:

What happens if I use the comp in the effects send and return? What happens if I use it as an effect for the sake of being able to use it on some channels and not others?
sorry to hijack, but I have a somewhat-related question...

would using a tube mic pre in the effects loop be advisable or is this somehow a poorer signal path than putting it in line with the mic cable?

just wondering if I've stumbled upon a new way to connect my mic pres... wow... that would be cool! :D
