Tascam 38 - Wobbly Take Up


New member
I recently bought a Tascam 38. Everything seems fine except for the take up arm. I think that might be what its called, I'm new to these things. The hub/reel table doesn't turn perfectly. I tends to bob up and down. causing the take up reel to scrape against the screws holding the front panel on. The arm its connected to might be bent or something like that. I know it may be hard to understand due to my lack or expertise. I know its not the hub nor the reel table assembly. they both seem fine. Its the arm they are connected to. if anyone knows what the replacement part is called I'd greatly appreciate it.
My friend,...

I had to read your description a couple times to discern it's meaning.

First, how do you know the hub and reel table are "fine", unless you've removed them and/or swapped them around to verify?

My experience is that the reel table/hub assembly is made of a soft cast metal, that can sometimes deform over the long term if people leave a heavy reel of tape loaded on the hub,... causing it to wobble or spin eccentrically.

If you're "really" sure the hub/reel table is fine, then the bad news is maybe the reel motor shaft is bent, which could happen from shipping damage.

The reel table being deformed is really my first educated guess, and for your sake too, 'cause you don't wanna have to replace that reel motor,... even if you could find one, which isn't likely!!!:eek:;)

This may take a bit more "digging in" to the mechanics, before you go making assumptions. By your description, my feeling is:

a) Deformed reel table/hub assembly, and...
b) Bent reel motor shaft,...

in that order.:eek:;)

Best of luck!
thanks for the reply. I'll check out the reel table tonight. the take up reel that came with it was also a bit warped. So that could contribute to the scraping (though it doesn't effect the wobbly hub part).

I'm really hoping that it's the reel table thats broken