Tascam 22-2 remote?


reelin' thru the years
DIN plug located at back of unit and Manual indicates an "optional remote for pause". Anyone have insight on the 22-2 remote control? Thanks in advance for any info/thoughts.
The remote pause control for the 22-2 is Model RP-22. I've never used one or even seen one. If you have a user/maintenance guide for the 22-2 it should be pretty easy to make a simple remote pause control. Only pin 1&2 of the DIN plug are used. However, I don’t know if the switch on the RP-22 is momentary or a latching type. Easy to find out though… just insert a couple pins (ends of large paper clips would work) into pins 1&2, then momentarily short them together. If Pause engages and stays engaged until shorted again, you only need a momentary single-pole button switch, like this one from Radio Shack.


I believe you could probably even wire the 22-2 for use with a full featured remote, like the RC-70/RC-71. The 22-2 was purposely made without any bells and whistles to keep cost down. I own two of them at present. They sound great, but a remote would be nice. A project such as this has been on the back burner of my mind for some time... if I only had the time. Maybe someday.

UPDATE: After my last post curiosity got the best of me. I pulled my 22-2 out and shorted pins 1&2 on the remote DIN jack. It only stayed in pause as long the jumper was in place.

To build a remote you will need a normally-open, push-on/push-off switch like the following:

Radio Shack Part Number: 275-617


Ideally it would be good to mount it on a heavy solid aluminum project box, or put some weight inside a plastic Radio Shack box so it stays put. Other than that, you just need the right 5-pin DIN plug (these are the same as a MIDI plug configuration) and a shielded 2-conductor length of cable… about 15 ft is pretty standard for TEAC/Tascam remotes.

I also tried to short some other pins to see what they did and blew two fuses in the process... so don't do that. :o :D
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Thanks Tim for the replys and info...been out of town and away form the computer for a week. Sorry you blew the fuses in your efforts to solve the question. I'd like to "arm" the 22-2 for record, put it in pause mode and then be able to hit the remote button to engage. Would that work?
You're welcome, Rick. No biggy on the blown fuses... took me 5 minutes to replace them, and I've been wanting to experiment with this, but never got around to it until now.

Yeah, a remote will take it in and out of pause just like you describe. It will behave exactly like the pause button on the front panel, which works that way in record or play mode. You could make something with a button to press or even a footswitch.

It's a standard 5-pin female jack like used for MIDI, but it's mounted upside down on the 22-2 like this...

So pins 1 & 4 in the photo are the ones to use, though Tascam refers to the same two pins as 1 & 2 in the service manual. So anyway, they're the two pins on the far right when looking at the back of the 22-2.

Superb info...particularly the pin diagram. I'm really liking the footswitch idea. Thanks again!